You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2383 Brother Jing, just stay with me

Chapter 2383 Brother Jing, just stay with me
Seeing that An Nuan was really in a hurry, Rong Jing felt that she couldn't tease her too much, so she smiled and pulled her to sit on her lap.

"Nuannuan, haven't you heard that sentence? IQ is flawed. Your injury is beyond recovery. So, you should obediently be a little fool by my side. Don't worry, no matter how stupid you are, I will None will despise you."

An Nuan was amused by Rong Jing's words, and yelled at him: "You're the little fool, I'm smart, okay?" In the end, she couldn't hold back her laughter.

Well, IQ is flawed, between husband and wife there must be one person who is stupid and the other person who is smarter, right?
Now that Rong Jing has so many eyes, she thinks it's better for her to be a fool, otherwise, what if someone accidentally steals Rong Jing's limelight?
Thinking about it this way, An Nuan felt that she was very great and had a special spirit of dedication.

Therefore, Rong Jing should treat her better in the future.

Of course, Rong Jing was already very kind to her.

An Nuan was supposed to be preparing to go to the store on the tenth day of the lunar new year, but since the ninth day of the ninth day, it has been raining, and along with the rain came another cold wave, and this cold wave was compared to The last time I came here was even worse, and upon seeing this, An Nuan had no choice but to give up her plans to go to the store and still stay at home.

However, Rong Jing is not as lucky as her. Her store has not had many customers recently, and it doesn’t matter if it is open or not. There are many things to deal with, but relatively speaking, it is very busy.

"Brother Jing, why don't you go today?" Hearing the sound of rain outside, An Nuan yawned and sat up from the bed, seeing that Rong Jing was already tying his tie.

"It's cold outside. You are the boss. Who would say anything if you are lazy for a day or two?" Seeing the weather like this, Rong Jing has to get up early every day, An Nuan feels distressed.

Rong Jing herself didn't think much of it, after all, she was in charge of such a big company, so she deserved to suffer.

Walking over and kissing An Nuan on the forehead, Rong Jing said to her: "Hey, it's still early and you can sleep a little longer. I will try to come back early today so that you won't worry, okay?"

An Nuan grabbed Rong Jing's hand to prevent him from leaving, and said coquettishly: "Brother Jing, don't go, or I won't feel at ease during the few minutes you are on the road. You can tell Secretary Li to let him Can't you do it for me? Besides, isn't there a vice president in the company? There are so many managers below, aren't they all able to work? Why do you have to go, right? Don't leave, Brother Jing .” While speaking, she shook Rong Jing’s arm.

Rong Jing's heart was softened by her, but there was indeed an important matter in the company that he had to deal with today, so he had to go.

"Baby, I also want to stay with you at home, but I really can't do it today. You sleep well, maybe I'll come back after you wake up?" Rong Jing coaxed her.

An Nuan is not a child, so she believed such deceptive words, but seeing Rong Jing's insistence, she finally stopped dragging him, and just said to him: "Then when you get to the company, give me a call or send me a text message, so that I can feel at ease." Remember to come back early in the afternoon, you know?"

Rong Jing patted her hand, put it on her mouth and kissed again, "Of course, my wife."

(End of this chapter)

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