You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2384 The hair is messed up

Chapter 2384 The hair is messed up
An Nuan was quite sleepy at first, but after Rong Jing left, An Nuan became more and more awake, and couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

In the end, she had no choice but to sit up and sit in a daze on the bed bored.

After being in a daze for a while, An Nuan got up from the bed.It didn't feel like lying in the quilt on the bed, but Annuan felt a burst of cold when she came together.

Thinking of Rong Jing wearing so little clothes, I don't know if she will be frozen by then.

However, there is no problem with the air conditioner in the office, and the time on the road is always less.

Thinking about it this way, I felt relieved a lot.

"Mommy, Mommy, come and see, the rain is really pouring." Qiqi is in the stage of learning idioms recently, and when she sees the big raindrops outside, she comes over to cheer Annuan, "Mommy, Why is the rain so heavy? Look, it’s like falling down. Mommy, will our house be flooded?"

"Stupid child, how could our house be flooded? Besides, it's winter, and there are very few floods in winter." An Nuan felt very disturbed when she saw the torrential rain outside. Why is it raining so much on a good day? ?I can't even get out the door, it's really embarrassing.

But different from An Nuan's troubles, Qi Qi has a good impression of this rain, and even always says some arty words out of feeling.

"Mommy, this rain is the tears of Grandpa God. Could it be that something sad happened to him, that's why he cried so sadly? Ah, my heart will be hurt by his crying, if he is by my side , I will go to comfort and touch him, to comfort his wounded heart." Qiqi's drama is very full, and she adds movements while talking, which makes her look ridiculous.

An Nuan was so amused by Qi Qi that she couldn't laugh or cry, and ruthlessly trampled on her soft hair.

"Mommy, you have messed up my hair." Qi Qi was very dissatisfied with An Nuan's movements of rubbing her head at every turn. She has grown up, how can she still be patted on the head?The main thing is, what if the hairstyle gets messed up, right?
"You still have a hairstyle?" Qiqi's hair is very soft and straight, very comfortable to touch, and feels good to the touch. An Nuan couldn't hold back, and rubbed it a few more times.

Now, Qiqi was really angry, and quickly hid away.

"Brother, brother, come here quickly, Mommy is bullying me." Qi Qiyi quickly pulled them over when he saw the left and right, and started to find helpers for himself. "Brother, Mommy rubbed my hair just now, show me, is my hairstyle still there?"

Qiqi just has long straight hair, and her hair is not tied up. It's just messed up by An Nuan at the moment, and the rest is of course fine.

Zuo Zuo helped Qiqi tidy up her hair and smoothed it out for her, and her hair became docile immediately.

Enjoying such considerate care from her big brother, Qi Qi was touched. Looking at her big brother, she said affectionately: "Big brother, do you want to know me so well from now on? Otherwise, I will be sad." Just hugged Zuo Zuo.

Zuo Zuo patted Qi Qi's shoulder helplessly, "Qi Qi, who else can I be nice to if I'm not nice to you, right? Don't act like a spoiled child, didn't you just say you want to eat melon seeds? It's over."

"Thank you, big brother." Qiqi smiled sweetly at the left and right, and said to the right and left: "Qiqi, I also crave."

(End of this chapter)

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