Chapter 2385

"Thank you, little brother." Qiqi didn't hesitate to thank her, and even went over to kiss her right and left, "Qiqi also likes little brother very much, so don't be jealous, you know? You can't compete with big brother , I’ll treat you as well, rain and dew.” This child has been watching ancient court dramas for the past few days, and now even advanced vocabulary like “rain and dew” has come out, which makes An Nuan feel a headache.

Children always seem to be like this. Adults hope that they will never learn what they learn, and they don’t want them to learn, but they learn very smoothly every time. It’s really helpless.

Qi Qi ate all the melon seeds that she ate left and right, and then thought about how unfilial she seemed, why didn't she leave some for Mommy?

She quietly looked over at An Nuan, and felt relieved when she saw that she didn't respond, so she started eating sunflower seeds for An Nuan next.

As a caring little padded jacket, it is natural to do some things that only a little padded jacket would do, right?Qiqi decided to eat more melon seeds for Mommy, so that Mommy can eat more comfortably.

However, Qiqi is changing her teeth right now, and her teeth will often loosen. Eating melon seeds is definitely a very difficult thing for her.

After a while, Qi Qi felt that she couldn't bear it anymore, after thinking about it, she sent the already cracked melon seeds to An Nuan.

"Mummy, these are the sunflower seeds I cracked for you, do you want to eat them?" Qiqi said with a smile on her face, "Mummy, am I very filial? So, you have to eat them all."

An Nuan looked down, and there was a small handful of melon seeds in Qi Qi's small palm.

It is said that it is a small handful, it is really only a small handful, An Nuan can finish it in one bite.

Smiling, she took the melon seeds, and An Nuan ate them slowly one by one.

This was given to her by my daughter as a filial piety, so you can't eat it too fast, can you?

"Well, the melon seeds produced by Qi Qi are delicious, and Mommy likes them very much."

Qi Qi was even happier when she saw that An Nuan liked her. She felt that Mummy was really caring and would always praise her.

The few of them were so harmonious and happy at home, but Rong Jing was not so lucky in the company.

Early in the morning, when Rong Jing had a meeting, he made a fuss because there was a design problem, which caused the release of this quarter's product to be delayed by two days. One step late.

As for the one who caused the design to go wrong, it was an old designer who didn't know how to do it, but made a mistake at the most critical moment.

Rong Jing has never been a good-natured person, and now she made such an obvious mistake, so she naturally got angry a lot, and after a lot of anger, she reprimanded several people before it was over.

So on this day, everyone in Jing Nuan Jewelry Company was worried when they were working, for fear that if they were careless, they would be caught by the boss.

At this moment, no one dared to touch Rong Jing's brow.

"It would be great if the proprietress came." During the spare time, a female employee whispered, "As long as the proprietress is here, no matter how big the fire is, the president will be able to dissipate. It's a pity that the weather is so bad today, the proprietress will surely It won't come out, otherwise we can have something to look forward to?" If An Nuan is here, they won't be afraid of the president losing his temper, even if he loses his temper, it doesn't matter.

(End of this chapter)

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