Chapter 978

After the weather got warmer, An Nuan finally didn't have so many clothes on her body.Lightly and quickly felt a lot more comfortable.

The season of warm spring and flowers blooming is a good time to go out and play.One weekend, An Nuan made a lot of delicious food and prepared to take the children for a spring outing.

Zuo Zuo doesn't like sweets very much, but You You likes them very much. Every time he sees small cakes and breads, he can't wait to take them and eat them.

An Nuan made sushi and pastries, put them in boxes and put them away.When everything is ready, you can go out.

The children are looking forward to going out to play, and they are very excited when they are sitting in the car.

"Mommy, sing." She pulled An Nuan's hand right and left, wanting her to sing to them.

An Nuan didn't refuse, and sang a very cheerful nursery rhyme very cooperatively.Probably because of having a child, recently she listens to nursery rhymes the most when she listens to songs, and she can also learn a lot of nursery rhymes when watching cartoons with them.

An Nuan is not very good at singing, but singing nursery rhymes is quite suitable for her.

Left, right, and right were very happy, and they hummed along, although they didn't know what to say.But as long as they're having fun with it.

The place for the spring outing is a large park, and there is also a small playground in the park for children to play.After getting off the car, An Nuan held the hands of the two children and waited for Rong Jing to park the car.

After Rong Jing came back, the two led the children in the middle, and the family of four walked into the park.

Now is the season when all kinds of flowers are in full bloom, and many flowers in the park are in full bloom, which is very beautiful.Among the flowers, there are also butterflies and bees collecting honey, and flying around is also a landscape.

Youyou likes butterflies very much. Whenever he sees butterflies, he wants to go up and play with them.An Nuan grabbed him, "If you don't go right or left, you can't go there."

It's a pity that you are still looking at the butterfly with small eyes.

Zuo Zuo didn't have much reaction, he didn't like such childish things.


Today's weather is fine and the sun is shining brightly, so many parents bring their children out to play.

An Nuan found an empty place and asked Rong Jing to put down the food box she was holding.

They brought a lot, enough for four people to eat.But it's still early, so I'm going to play for a while before eating.Taking out the cloth and laying it on the ground, and then putting the food on it, An Nuan asked left and right: "Left and right, where do you want to go?"

"This way."

Left, right, and right point to different directions.

An Nuan: ...

By the way, aren't you twins?Aren't twins supposed to be on the same page?Why is there such an unscientific situation?

"I'm the elder brother." Zuo Zuo's meaning is obvious, since I am the elder brother, then the younger brother must obey the elder brother's words.

"I'm the younger brother." The meaning of Youyou is also obvious, since I am the younger brother, then the older brother must let the younger brother.

Thus, the brothers began to have differences.

An Nuan is also very contradictory, who should listen to this?

"I'm Daddy." Rong Jing said, "You don't need to come up with ideas, just follow me."

Zuo Zuo: ...

right right: ...

An Nuan: ...

So, everyone followed Rong Jing away.

A family of four enjoys the scenery in the beautiful park, enjoying themselves and being very warm.

Along the way, left and right will ask a lot of questions, and completely become a hundred thousand why babies.

(End of this chapter)

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