Chapter 979

"Mommy, this flower is so big, what kind of flower is it?" she asked, pointing to the hydrangea in front of her.

The hydrangea is of course big, and it is named hydrangea because it looks like the hydrangea thrown by the ancient women.

An Nuan told him his name, but Youyou obviously didn't understand it very well.

Zuo Zuo pointed to the other side and asked, "Mommy, what is that?"

"Which one?" Following Zuo Zuo's gaze, An Nuan saw that Zuo Zuo was pointing at the Bauhinia flower.This season, the redbuds are all in bloom, and the purple is very spectacular. "That's a bauhinia. You see, this flower is a little different from other flowers. They all grow on the stem."

Bauhinia is a plant that grows leaves first and then blooms, so when it blooms, the leaves are gone, leaving only clumps of flowers full of stems.

"Kiss!" Youyou suddenly called out, then pointed to a man and a woman who were kissing passionately in front of them and said, "This is a kiss."

An Nuan quickly covered his eyes, "Don't look."


"Because it hurts to look at the eyes."

Youyou was taken aback, and it was scary to hear that the eyes would hurt or something. "But why didn't my eyes hurt when I saw Daddy and Mommy kissing each other?"

An Nuan: ...

"Because we are daddy and mommy, and they are outsiders." Rong Jing made a timely rescue.Although this explanation is not much better.

The couple over there probably heard the movement on their side and quickly separated.I was quite embarrassed when I saw them, and ran away quickly.

An Nuan felt that they should be embarrassed and disturbed the intimacy of the young couple.But having said that, this is a public place, is it really okay for them to be so impatient?

There are a lot of children in the park, and the two brothers usually play together. It is very happy to see so many children now.

Zuo Zuo is a bit reserved, right and right don't care, and when they see a good-looking boy or girl, they will go up to them and say hello.

"Hello, I'm Youyou, can we play together?" Youyou said to a cute little girl with pigtails.

The little girl should be older than Youyou. When she saw Youyou, she froze for a moment, then nodded, and took the initiative to grab his hand, "Okay, let's play together." Then the two of them went to play in the sand together.

Seeing her son so outgoing and familiar, An Nuan didn't know what to say.

"Zuo Zuo, don't you want to go and play with the children?" There are children here, and the parents are watching and let the children play by themselves.

Zuo Zuo thought for a while and said, "There are no beautiful younger sisters here."

An Nuan: ... Please, how old are you, and you want a beautiful sister?Isn't it beautiful sister?

Well, she was also spoiled by two children.

Finally, Zuo Zuo finally found a beautiful "sister".But in fact, this beautiful sister is a seven or eight-year-old girl.

Zuo Zuo acted coquettishly to that girl for a while, and then that girl was successfully captured by Zuo Zuo, and played with Zuo Zuo for a long time, when they finally parted, the girl was very reluctant and wanted her Mom took Zuo Zuo home, which made the parents of the two families very dumbfounded.

Playing until noon, everyone was hungry, so they went to the place they occupied for lunch.

(End of this chapter)

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