Leaf Queen

Chapter 1 Traveling through another world

Chapter 1 Traveling through another world
Dark clouds cover the sky, and heavy rain is faintly approaching.

On the top of a skyscraper hundreds of meters high, a petite woman in black stood smilingly on top of the guardrail, looking down at the dozens of men on the roof.

"You... all came to look for me?"

Several men looked at each other, and in the next second, they all jumped up, pulled out the guns around their waists, and attacked the woman.

The woman tilted her head and smiled lightly. In the evening, her figure flashed, turning into a black shadow and walking among the crowd. Three seconds later, she quietly appeared with a spring-like smile on her face.

But the people standing behind her froze!
"Bang bang bang—" successive impacts sounded.

The woman turned around, glanced calmly at all the people who had fallen to the ground, raised the dagger in her hand, a drop of blood just slipped from the tip of the knife, and hit the ground, dizzying beautiful blood flowers.

She pursed her lips and smiled, took out a clean handkerchief to wipe off the blood on the dagger, and stepped on her high heels towards the exit.

"Didi!!" The earphones plugged into her ears rang twice.

She stretched out her hand and pressed it, and a fiery voice sounded, "Little Ye Zi, come downstairs soon, the little guy is rioting!"

Ye Li frowned, and quickened her pace, "You mean that non-human little bun?"

"Yes, yes, yes!!! Come back quickly... Oh my God!" Suddenly, there was a violent explosion, and Ye Li's eardrums were shocked, and before she could react, there was another "Boom——" explode!
Ye Li's pupils dilated suddenly, and her perception of danger caused her to jump up immediately, jumping down from the [-]-meter-high building.

"Bang—" In an instant, the tall building behind her exploded.

A golden light shot up into the sky, and Ye Li instinctively wanted to avoid it, but lost to the speed of the light's expansion, he was quickly swallowed into the golden light...


At nightfall, the bright moon in the sky sprinkled a faint halo, and the bustling streets of the imperial capital were full of pedestrians, and the aroma of wine wafted from the restaurants, mixed with the sounds of hawkers, rendering an antique flavor.

"Stop, stop!! Grab her, grab her!" Suddenly, a loud male voice sounded in the dense crowd.

A group of men with fierce faces ran forward quickly, as if they were chasing someone!
And in front of them, a petite figure was quickly shuttling through the crowd, looking back while running.

"Hey, isn't this the trash of the Ye family? Why did you come out and show yourself?"

"You don't know yet! She just disturbed the good affairs of the second prince and Miss Tang in the Zuiyue Tower. The second prince was furious and said that he would deal with this trash today. This trash is very smart, so he ran away immediately. No, The second prince is sending someone to arrest her!"

"That's right! No wonder the second prince was furious. Miss Tang is the number one beauty in the imperial capital. Of course, the second prince is attracted to the beauty. Although this trash has a marriage contract with the second prince, but... she is too ignorant! She deserves it!"

As the commotion became louder and louder, many people on the street cleared the way for the pursued crowd. While watching the excitement, they did not forget to speak a few words of slander.

The girl ignored the gossip on the side of the road, but ran forward as usual, her face was pale, one leg was a little lame, her hands were tightly covering her abdomen, and bright red blood flowed from her fingertips.

She is Ye Li, the killer Ye Li, this sudden time travel is beyond her expectations, and the terrible situation before her is even more unexpected, just... Chasing her?

(End of this chapter)

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