Leaf Queen

Chapter 2 "Coincidence" Encounter

Chapter 2 "Coincidence" Encounter
She curled her lips slightly, and a cold light flashed in her eyes!

Some spectators who didn't think it was a big deal saw her running all the time, and wanted to help the people behind catch her to receive the reward, so they rushed up to block her way, but she dodged a few deftly.

The pursuit from behind was getting faster and faster, and her physical strength was gradually exhausted. At a corner, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she immediately turned in.

"Bang—" It might as well happen that someone was walking around the corner, and she bumped into her arms all of a sudden.

Out of professional habits, she immediately distanced herself from him, raised her eyes and glanced at him.

A handsome face suddenly caught her eyes, especially those deep and indifferent eyes, which directly hit the depths of her heart.

She quickly stabilized her footsteps, restrained her mind, nodded to him, said "sorry" softly, passed him, and ran forward.

The man in white standing beside Jun Fengyu saw the little girl running away in a hurry, and immediately cast a strange look at Jun Fengyu, "Isn't that the little girl from the Ye family? Why didn't you avoid it just now?"

The man didn't say anything, turned around to avoid the servants who were chasing Ye Li, stood there for a moment, looked at the direction Ye Li was leaving, squinted his eyes, and raised his heels to follow.

"..." The man in white raised his eyebrows and followed.

Ye Li dragged his dilapidated body and ran to a secluded dead end with strong perseverance before stopping.

Beads of sweat slipped from her forehead, and the sound of messy footsteps came from far and near. She turned her eyes and glanced at the several servants who had already caught up.

"Little bitch, let's see where you're going!" One of them, a tall and burly man, pointed at Ye Li and started cursing.

"If you mess up the good things of the second prince, you will have to be skinned if you don't die!" The man arrogantly turned his nostrils to the sky, and gave orders to the men behind him, "You guys! Give it to me! Beat this little bitch first! , and then take her back to see His Highness!"


The four servants looked viciously at the little girl standing in the corner, and immediately walked towards her eagerly!
"I don't even look at what kind of trash I am, how dare I hit the second prince's attention, damn it!" One of them punched Ye Li in the face.

The golden fighting spirit shimmered in his fists, Ye Li squinted his eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly... The next second, she suddenly flew and kicked this person hard!

"Bang..." The man's body flew backwards like a kite with a broken thread, hitting the hard wall heavily, and let out a muffled sound.

A gust of wind swept by, and the men suddenly disappeared before they saw what happened, "Crack! Crack!" The sound of broken bones sounded one after another.

With the sound of the last bone crack, Ye Li stood still on the spot, looking deeply at the person who ordered her to be beaten before.

"If I remember correctly, you were the one who stabbed me with a sword in the restaurant, right?" She laughed.

"You...you you..." The man looked at her in horror, his previous arrogance had long since disappeared, and he kept leaning back against the wall, "You...how did you...hu...hu..." He started to stutter as he spoke. Knot, legs trembling weakly.

The three of them were killed in an instant, and the three dead bodies lying in front of him clearly told him what happened just now. This was from the god of death... the most straightforward call!
Suddenly, he turned around and ran away, so frightened that he even forgot how to use Dou Qi!
Ye Li tilted her head and smiled, turned her wrist, and a dagger that she had just picked up flew out, "Pfft -" it was accurately inserted into the heart of the man's back.

(End of this chapter)

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