I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1014 Doesn't care about Yin Zhanyan's life or death at all

Chapter 1014 Doesn't care about Yin Zhanyan's life or death at all

"Well, I won't lie to you."

Huo Tianyi immediately put on his clothes in a good mood, "Honey, do you want me to help you?"


The two went downstairs happily, the man had a smirk on his lips, and the little woman covered her mouth, giggling non-stop.

"You are a big president, why are you making so many cold jokes?"

"You, the president's wife, why are you colder than me?"

Aunt Wang came over, and seeing the smiling faces of the two, she felt very satisfied.

"Master, little lady. Let's have breakfast."

The two of them felt like they were soaked in a honeypot even while they were eating.

"Honey, when will you let me rectify my name?"

Xia Nuanxin took a sip of millet porridge, and smiled arrogantly: "Well, it depends on my mood!"

Huo Tianyi looked at the little girl as proud as an old man.

"Why do you think my life is so hard? I married a wife and suffered domestic violence. I, the CEO, are really filthy." Huo Tianyi sighed deliberately.

After eating enough, the driver drove. Huo Tianyi sat in the back seat early and saw Xia Nuanxin walking out of the living room.

Immediately opened the car door and pulled the little woman in.

He pulled her into his arms.

Immediately, the fiery kisses began to fall again.

Xia Nuanxin glanced at the driver in front of her, and whispered, "Don't make trouble! If you kiss me again, I'll go down and let the driver at home take me off."

"Threat me again, bitch."

The two arrived at the gate of Huo's family tired and crooked. Xia Nuanxin originally wanted to go down early, but Huo Tianyi refused to let him say anything.

As soon as Xia Nuanxin got off Huo Tianyi's car, she saw Yin Zhanyan get off an Audi car with a happy smile on her lips.

Come over and say hello to Xia Nuanxin: "Xia Nuanxin, have you changed your car again?"

Xia Nuanxin glanced at the Audi that Yin Zhanyan was sitting in, and said casually: "No, I just took a ride along the way."

"You are so lucky, the rides you take are all luxury cars." Yin Zhanyan said sarcastically: "It can't be a wild man."

"A dog can't spit out ivory. You are a wild man. I think you are crazy about men. I am not as miserable as you think." Xia Nuan cursed angrily, and walked towards the main hall.

"I asked, your family is not that rich at all, your mother is dying, and your father is also a gambler, who owns the car you are riding in if it is not a wild man?" Yin Zhanyan walked to the sign-in office, in front of so many people Asked Xia Nuanxin face to face.

Xia Nuanxin walked up to Yin Zhanyan, and slapped her twice with a 'papa'.

"Yin Zhanyan, now I'm here to teach you what respect is. I'll tell you that the car I'm riding in belongs to my man. What's wrong? Is it in your way?"

Just as Yin Zhanyan was about to fight back, Yu Tiantian and Li Feiyang said almost at the same time: "Stop!"

"Sister Tiantian, look at this Xia Nuanxin, she hit me."

"This is the Huo family. It's working hours, and you guys are actually fighting. If it gets to the ears of the higher-ups, Yin Zhanyan, you just wait to resign!" Yu Tiantian looked at the stupid woman with a chest and no brains angrily.

Lin Feiyang walked up to Xia Nuanxin and asked nervously, "Xiao Xia, does your hand hurt? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

He didn't care about Yin Zhanyan's life or death at all.

Lin Feiyang suddenly grabbed Xia Nuanxin's little hand and looked left and right, and said distressedly: "You look red, why are you exerting so much effort?"

Xia Nuanxin withdrew her little hand blushing, and smiled: "When I get angry, I forget the principle of action and reaction."

(End of this chapter)

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