I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1015 I want to see her swaying and begging for mercy

Chapter 1015 I want to see her swaying and begging for mercy

"Physics is good!" Lin Feiyang said with a smile.

"That's right, I've always been a top student."

Yu Tiantian and Yin Zhanyan: "..."

This Lin Feiyang likes Xia Nuanxin?

"Xiao Yin, pay attention, Xiao Xia just came to the company, don't you know how to be modest?" Lin Feiyang couldn't help scolding Yin Zhanyan.

Yin Zhanyan covered his face, and said aggrievedly: "Minister Lin, you are biased, I am also a newcomer, and I was the one who was beaten."

Lin Feiyang glanced at Yin Zhanyan and did not deny his partiality, then glanced at Xia Nuanxin who was wearing flat shoes and was obviously half a head shorter than Yin Zhanyan, and said, "You are taller than her and stronger than Xiaoxia. You are also because of your ugly words, just pay attention next time."

The people around who were brushing their faces at the sign-in area almost caused Lin Feiyang's words to suffocate internal injuries.

The eccentricity of Lin Feiyang in the second group is too obvious!

Yu Tiantian couldn't help reprimanding Yin Zhanyan: "You can't calm down, you can take care of him in his man's car." After speaking, she deliberately glanced at Lin Feiyang.

Seeing Yu Tiantian's gaze, Lin Feiyang felt uncomfortable, but his intuition told him that this Xia Nuanxin was definitely a good girl, definitely not as miserable as Yin Zhanyan thought.

"Xiao Xia, what are you still doing in a daze, don't go up." Lin Feiyang saw the eyes of the idiot audience around him, and said deliberately.

Xia Nuanxin said to Lin Feiyang, "Thank you Minister Lin."

Yu Tiantian and Yin Zhanyan walked into the main hall slowly, Yin Zhanyan was a little annoyed.

"Sister Tiantian, this Lin Feiyang is really not a thing, he prefers Xia Nuanxin."

Yu Tiantian smiled strangely: "She is such a woman, Lin Feiyang likes her, we just take advantage of her, don't you want to vent your anger for your man?"

Yin Zhanyan thought of that gentle and sweet man yesterday, and she felt sweet in her heart.

So handsome, so fierce!So considerate!
He also prepared a professional suit for him this morning, and drove her to work in a luxury car.

Obviously he didn't control his emotions, but he insisted on taking responsibility.

Such a good man, Xia Nuanxin is not willing to want it, he really has no eyes.

A vain woman who would rather be an invisible lover for the sake of luxury cars and houses, shameless.

"Of course, I want to ruin Xia Nuan's reputation, I want to take pictures of the evidence that she was taken care of by others, I want to let the big money behind her know about her affair with Lin Feiyang, and let Lin Feiyang know about Xia Nuan The fact that her heart is covered by others, I will make it difficult for her to stay in the company."

Yu Tiantian smiled complacently: "Don't let Xia Nuanxin know about you and Fu Mingzhe for the time being, or she will have a grudge in her heart, and we won't be able to succeed."

"Sister Tiantian, I know all this. When I see her become a stray dog, I want to see her swaying and begging for me."

"That's right, my classmate Zhanyan is magnanimous, so your mouth will not cause trouble in the future, or if you succeed in the end, she will suspect you, and it's not easy for you to get away, understand?"

"Thank you, Miss Tiantian, for your consideration."

"I'm not doing it for your own good, but also for the future happiness of you and Zhe."

Of course it is also for my own future.

All morning, Xia Nuanxin has been distracted, and the pictures she drew have been unreasonable.

Pick up the phone and call you Gu Fei'er.

Gu Fei'er here received a call from Xia Nuanxin as soon as she arrived at the set.

"Sister Nuanxin, why are you calling me at this hour? Is there something urgent?" Gu Fei'er asked with concern.

(End of this chapter)

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