I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1058 Just Let Her Not Be an Actress

Chapter 1058 Just Let Her Not Be an Actress

"What do you want me to do to her?" Sun Qiuyu asked nervously.

Fan Youlian sneered: "Don't worry, I won't let you commit crimes, I just let you do something wrong, or collect some bad information about her, so that she can't be an actress, if a woman spends her whole life doing it, she doesn't like it What you do is painful, isn't it?"

"Fan Youlian, I don't know what enmity you have with her, but what you have done is too heartless. Besides, if I can't find her weakness, how can I help you?" Sun Qiuyu asked sharply.

"Ha! Squad leader Sun, if you can't find her weaknesses and gossip, you can wait to break up with Lin Zhihan!" Fan Youlian threatened.

"You woman is too much."

"Yes! I was also forced. If I don't live well, others can't live well either."

Sun Qiuyu yelled into the microphone: "Fan Youlian, you are crazy."

Fan Youlian heard Sun Qiuyu's roar, and hung up the phone with a 'snap'.

Gu Fei'er wore sunglasses and covered her mask and entered the film crew. Since she was on the road, because Fan Youlian and Qin Mubai had a fight, it was delayed a lot, and it was late when she arrived.

Into the hall, the personnel have already arrived.

Ma Jianfei, the director in charge of the life of the crew, saw that Gu Feier was one minute late, and immediately yelled, "Gu Feier, right, look! Look! You're the only one who is late, and all the big names and stars have arrived early , Our Director Wu and Goddess Xia both arrived an hour ago. You, a starlet who is not even an 1-line star in the group, really treat yourself as a follower, and you are 1 minute late. Our Director Wu I hate people who are not punctual."

"I didn't do it on purpose. In fact, I didn't come late. It's just that the bus on the way was delayed. I'm sorry, I won't do it next time." Gu Fei'er said politely.

Ma Jianfei said reluctantly: "Is there a next time? Let me tell you this time, I have already reported the meal for noon, so you can figure out a way yourself, I didn't order it for you."

Gu Fei'er also thought she was unlucky and nodded.

"Okay, I'll figure it out by myself today!"

If you don't order a meal for her, then sneak into the rest room of father and mother and eat with them, it's fine, her father is the director, and mother is Summer Shadow Queen, so she doesn't have to be afraid, it really can't, Just let the family deliver it.

Hearing Gu Feier's words, Ma Jianfei became even angrier.

This girl dared to challenge her in public, shouldn't she beg him to order a meal?
"You will be fined for not ordering lunch for you for a week, and you will not be allowed to drink the tea prepared by the crew." Ma Jianfei said angrily.

Gu Fei'er also felt that this person was a little unreasonable this time.


"Because you didn't abide by the time of the crew, you delayed my work."

"I delayed your work and time today. Didn't you punish me not to eat the lunch you ordered? Why are you so unreasonable?" Gu Fei'er said angrily.

"I'm being unreasonable, what can you do to me?" Ma Jianfei glanced at Gu Fei'er's small face, and said wretchedly: "I can actually ignore your fault, if you sleep with me once, I can still Ask the director and assistant director to recommend you to play a good role."

These words finally angered Gu Fei'er, stretched out his hand, and slapped Ma Jianfei on the right side of his face without warning.

"Shameless, you want to be an unspoken actor, don't even pee and look in the mirror to see how cowardly you look." Gu Fei'er cursed at Ma Jianfei without holding back.

(End of this chapter)

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