I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1059 You Have No Eyesight

Chapter 1059 You Have No Eyesight
"Little bitch, if you dare to hit me, believe it or not, I will kick you out of the set." Ma Jianfei raised his hand and slapped Gu Fei'er.

"Get out!" Wu Xiaotian shouted sharply.

Because I saw that Gu Fei'er hadn't come yet in the filming area, the little girl repeatedly said that she must watch Xiaoman and Qin Mutian's rivalry scene, but no one answered the phone, Xia Chenman was worried, and urged Wu Xiaotian to come and see her home Xiao Fei'er, considering that she was pregnant, Wu Xiaotian came here by himself.

"Director Wu!" Ma Jianfei walked over like a dog.

"This little girl was late and played tricks on me. Look, she even slapped me in the face." Of course Ma Jianfei didn't mention the level of flirting with Gu Fei'er.


Seeing her father, Gu Fei'er burst into tears of grievance, "He is shameless, he wants me to sleep with him."

Ma Jianfei did not expect that Gu Feier would say it directly.

If it was another actor, he wouldn't dare at all, because he was afraid of his revenge in the later stage.

"Is what she said true?"

Wu Xiaotian's face turned dark all of a sudden, Ma Jianfei was really startled by the hostility all over his body.

"I was just joking with him. She was late and treated me unreasonably. I just wanted to scare her..."

Before Ma Jianfei could finish speaking, Wu Xiaotian swung his fist towards Ma Jianfei, knocking him flying.

Gu Feier covered her mouth in fright.

Dad is too mighty!

It wasn't even enough, Wu Xiaotian grabbed Ma Jianfei by the collar and wanted to hit him again.

"Director Wu, please forgive me."

Wu Xiaotian's manager, He Fei, saw this scene and knew what happened.

It must have offended his little princess.

Fortunately, he came in time, otherwise Ma Jianfei's life would be gone and there would not be much left.

"Old Ma, you really don't have good eyesight, and you don't want to get out of here. Remember in the future, as long as you see this little classmate Gu Fei'er and serve her like a dog, you must be right." He Fei pulled Wu Xiaotian away and Ma Jianfei.

"Director Wu, why bother to be as knowledgeable as a service person." He Fei looked at Gu Fei'er with a playful smile, and put his big hand on Gu Fei'er's shoulder: "Okay, isn't it good, you haven't been wronged at all, little guy, you are very happy Great!"

Wu Xiaotian pulled away the big hand on his daughter's shoulder with his big hand.

"Get your dirty hands off." Wu Xiaotian looked at He Fei displeased.

A pair of vigor to protect the calf.

During this period of getting along, Wu Xiaotian has already agreed in the bottom of his heart that Gu Feier is his own daughter, so the daughter he and Xiao Man have in their mouths, let others be so obscene, trivial and bullying, he, the director, should not be the director anymore. up.

Gu Fei'er blinked her big eyes, her father must have spoiled her too much.

Gu Fei'er was moved, hugged Wu Xiaotian's neck at once, and said in a low voice, "Thank you, Dad."

Ma Jianfei's eyes widened in fright after being kicked two meters away, no wonder this little girl is so arrogant, it turned out to be Director Wu's woman.

He Fei saw Ma Jianfei's obscene and trivial thoughts.

Walk over and pat him on the shoulder.

"Old Ma, calm down, calm down, don't think wrong, I said you have no eyesight, haven't you noticed that the little girl looks alike to our Goddess Xia?"

Ma Jianfei seemed to understand immediately, "Is she the sister of Goddess Xia?"

"Chi" He Fei still smiled.

"You are still blind." He Fei laughed.

"Ah! Is this little girl the child of Director Wu and Teacher Xia?"

He Fei laughed: "You're not so stupid that you can't breathe."

After Ma Jianfei finished speaking, he slapped himself vigorously with a 'slap, snap, snap'.

Walking in front of Wu Xiaotian who was holding his daughter, he lowered his head: "Director Wu, kill me!"

"Don't take this as an example." Wu Xiaotian hugged Gu Fei'er and got into the crew's service car.

(End of this chapter)

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