I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1093 I Will Not Let Li Nuo and Qin Mubai Let You Go

Chapter 1093 I Will Not Let Li Nuo and Qin Mubai Let You Go

The two of them kept calling these people all day, and the phone was always busy. Gu Fei'er and Huo Sixuan simply stopped calling and waited for Qin Mutian's public relations.

However, for many days in a row, no news came from Qin Mutian.

Because Qin Mutian and Xia Xiaoxiao's scene had already been filmed, the crew couldn't see the two of them.

Gu Fei'er was very worried, and went directly to their Xiaojia with Huo Sixuan, knocked on the door, Xia Xiaoxiao opened the door and saw that it was Gu Feier and Huo Sixuan, a little surprised.

"Uncle Huo, Fei'er, why are you here?" Xia Xiaoxiao asked in surprise. "If I don't come again, are you going to disappear!" Gu Fei'er complained.

Qin Mutian came out and greeted Huo Sixuan: "Xuan, you are here."

Several people walked in and sat on the sofa.

Huo Sixuan asked, "Why didn't you hold a press conference?"

"I'll wait for another chance."

"If Pei Muran is exposed, it will be solved directly." Gu Fei'er said anxiously: "The influence of the Internet on you has not been eliminated. Although the hot search has been withdrawn, the abuse of you is still there. I I don't know why you protect Pei Muran so much." Gu Fei'er was a little excited.

It's about little happiness after all.

"I can't destroy her. She is not just a lifesaver to me, but more of my relatives." Qin Mutian said seriously: "If she is exposed directly, her career that has just started to improve will fall into the bottom again. That's not what I saw."

Xia Xiaoxiao poured a cup of hot tea for each of them, and said, "Pei Muran told Best Actor Qin to let him release a video of himself and Li Nuo, but we refused."

"Xiao Xiao, why? This will have a great impact on Qin Yingdi's career." Gu Fei'er said anxiously.

"No matter what decision he makes, I will support him." Xia Xiaoxiao hugged Qin Mutian's arm calmly.

Huo Sixuan said suddenly: "Think about your choice, don't let yourself regret it."

"That scumbag director Li Nuo, are you going to let his mother go just like that?" Gu Fei'er asked excitedly.

"No, last time Xuan sent me the video and photos, as well as the recorded video of correcting him, I will find the best time to send it out." Qin Mutian replied coldly.

Xia Xiaoxiao immediately asked: "Fei'er, when did you hear that Director Wu will hold the finale?"

"Come on, now the filming is coming to an end, basically it's all about Tang Palace in the later stage of filming, Mommy is now pregnant for more than six months, I don't worry, I take care of her every day on the set, little, recently I may I don’t have time to pay attention to you anymore, take care of yourself.”

After Gu Fei'er finished speaking, she told Qin Mutian: "Film Emperor Qin, no matter what choice you make, we have no right to interfere, but I hope you won't hurt Xiaoxiao."

"Little Fei'er, are you tired of worrying so much?" Huo Sixuan gently hugged Gu Fei'er into his arms, "Don't worry, he is also a big actor, and he doesn't even have the ability to protect his wife." , might as well retreat from the circle."

"Don't worry, I won't let Li Nuo and Qin Mubai go." Qin Mutian said coldly.

When Gu Fei'er heard Qin Mubai's name, an unidentifiable sadness flashed in his eyes.

Has this man reached the point where everyone abuses him now?

The former Sunny Emperor finally came to this step.

"Well, there's that Fan Youlian." Huo Sixuan added indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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