I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1094 The Closing Banquet Is Li Nuo, This Scumbag Director's Final Word

Chapter 1094 The Closing Banquet Is Li Nuo, This Scumbag Director's Final Word

"Concubine Qin's wrap-up banquet is the last stroke of this scumbag director, Li Nuo, and I will make his life worse than death." Qin Mutian's cold eyes were full of fear.

"After Fan Youlian's two bastards are born, I will let her taste the taste of being bullied, and your scumbag brother will also taste the taste of being cuckolded, and he will lose all the best things overnight. .”

What the two of them said made Gu Fei'er and Xia Xiaoxiao feel a little terrified.

"These are all forced by them. If it's okay, how can I touch them." Huo Sixuan tightened the tight little woman in his arms, and gave him a word of explanation.

Qin Mutian also changed the topic in a timely manner.

"Tell me about the Nuanfei Celebrity that you cooperated with Huo Tianyi?"

"Everything is ready, waiting for the opening. If so many things hadn't happened, it would have opened long ago. Let's find an auspicious day this weekend. Huo Tianyi and I will go to City C to host the opening ceremony."

Qin Mutian nodded coldly, and said: "Be careful, after all, you are out of town."


Huo Sixuan looked at the little girl in his arms, and asked: "Little Fei'er, let's go back and let them have a good rest."

Xia Xiaoxiao took Gu Fei'er's little hand, tried her best to keep it, and said, "Fei'er, you and Uncle Huo can have dinner at my house."

Gu Fei'er looked up at Huo Sixuan's face, then at her clumsy stomach, and shook her head.

"Forget it, when you're free, you see that your stomach is no smaller than mine now, so don't worry about it."

Gu Fei'er refused.

Huo Sixuan took Gu Fei'er's little hand and walked out, and the two drove leisurely to the Fountain Square in the city center.

There are so many things going on recently, it's rare to have leisure time.

"Little uncle, sister Nuanxin is going to have her birthday soon, what gift do you think I should give her?" Gu Fei'er asked in a low voice.

"You girls are from each other, I really don't understand these things, but last time Huo Tianyi must have spent a lot of money investigating Li Nuo's affairs, so you can't be too stingy."

Gu Fei'er smiled: "It turns out that my little uncle has always remembered this kind of affection, ha! In fact, the guy who hit up a conversation isn't that bad, and he's quite generous."

"You don't say good things about him. It's only tens of millions. It's not that the Huo family doesn't have money."

No matter how awkward a man is, he can't let his woman praise another man's kind words.

"But what kind of gift can be so expensive that it is worth so much money? Besides, Nuanxin sister will definitely not accept my expensive gift. Besides, she is not short of money now, and the guy who strikes up treats her very well. I am in a dilemma. "

Huo Sixuan hugged Gu Feier's slender waist and sat on the small stone bench opposite the fountain, kissed Gu Feier's small mouth, and reminded: "The gift you buy doesn't need to be expensive, as long as you put your heart into it."

"Think about what your friends are best at and what they need most." Huo Sixuan reminded.

"Wow! I get it. Sister Nuanxin is a designer. Of course, what I need most is a paintbrush, good quality paper, and a laptop with good speed and performance."

"That's fine, I'll ask Zhang He to help you buy what you need as soon as possible." Huo Sixuan kissed Gu Fei'er's little mouth again.

"No, I have time to go out with Xiao Xiao and Ai Ai to go shopping on my own. It would be sincere to buy it for her." Gu Fei'er gently responded to Huo Sixuan's kiss, stood up and said, "Little uncle, Let's take a photo of yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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