Chapter 1141 I'm Sorry

Xu Xinyan here did not expect Lu Qinshou to say such a thing.

"You don't have to care about what I think, you should focus on your career." For the first time, Xu Xinyan didn't scold Lu Tianting, but said a little unconfidently: "I think these methods of Special Assistant Yin Not a good long-term strategy."

Lu Tianting looked at the little woman in his arms in disbelief, and asked, "What does the wife mean?"

"If they do better, you have to transform, otherwise you will lose both or make money at the same time. In my opinion, you are all capable people. You should not lose money. You may all make money, but you will all make less money. Alright."

"Is this your idea?" Lu Tianting looked at the little woman who was speaking.

"I don't understand the world of your big shots, but I know that no matter what kind of competition you have, it must be fair. Talking about commodities, strategy is just a means, not the key to defeating others in the end." Xu Xinyan said based on her experience of doing odd jobs over the years: "We little people don't have such big ambitions as you guys. I just want to have a house, clothes, food, and books in City C. It's just a dream to be rich. So I can't give you any valuable advice."

Lu Tianting felt that Xu Xinyan's words were useful, so he said softly, "Continue."

"I'm done talking, what else do you want me to say?"

"Tell me about your experience."

Xu Xinyan wanted to say something, but it seemed more relieved to say something than to bear it, especially an outsider.

Xu Xinyan took a deep breath, and said slowly: "I, Haitang and Xinkai are triplets, my mother is a farmer, especially my father has a bad temper, they two have a smooth temper and rarely get beaten, and I have a very bad temper. Stubborn, I like to be serious when I encounter things, so my father beat me or scolded me, so I trembled when I saw my father, but I have always been good in my studies, I will get a scholarship every year, and I don’t spend much money on my family. I have been studying until I graduated from high school. "

"Three years ago, I was admitted to the nursing major of University C with excellent grades, but Haitang and Xinkai were also admitted to the university together. My parents couldn't afford the expenses of the three of us. I told them to use student loans , I will repay the loan by myself after graduation, but my parents still don’t agree, they say that my family still can’t afford the living expenses of Haitang and Xinkai, so I finally gave up, and then went to work in the city to earn money to support the family and pay for my younger siblings to go to college, because No education, young age, thin and weak, constantly changing jobs, doing odd jobs, living in the basement when I had no money, renting a capsule room with others, and even eating for ten yuan a week... I was lucky enough, but I met you, a beast, and bullied me, woo woo..."

After hearing Xu Xinyan's story, Lu Tianting always knew that it was miserable enough for him to have no father and no mother. It turns out that children with parents will also experience so much.

But he is a man after all, and it is conceivable how she, a little woman who only weighs eighty pounds and only about 1.6 meters, got here.

Maybe it's because of the similar fate, they feel sorry for each other, after hearing what Xu Xinyan said, Lu Tianting felt sour and uncomfortable in his heart.

Suddenly, she also lay on Xu Xinyan's shoulder, and said in a muffled voice, "I'm sorry."

The man's tears flowed down the woman's shoulders, warm and full of guilt.

"Is it still useful to say I'm sorry now? I already have your child in my belly, so what if I hate you any more?"

(End of this chapter)

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