I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1142 You Can Touch It, You Can Eat It

Chapter 1142 You Can Touch It, You Can Eat It
Xu Xinyan pushed the crying man on her shoulder.

This man really overwhelmed her.

Obviously he was at fault, but he still had the face to cry, as if she was the one who made the mistake.

"Lu Tianting, you still have the face to cry, don't you know how shy you are, don't you know that men don't flick their tears?" Xu Xinyan yelled at the man who was holding her.

"Keep your voice down, Tiantian is so angry, be careful that the baby will be born as a frowning little old man."

Xu Xinyan shut her mouth all of a sudden.

Soon the table was full of food, Xu Xinyan looked at the food speechlessly.

"Lu Tianting, don't you know it's shameful to waste? This table of food is enough for my salary for a year."

Lu Tianting glanced at the dishes on the table in distaste, and said, "How much? I don't think so, I'm tired of eating all the dishes here."


Xu Xinyan was not polite anymore, and started to eat big mouthfuls, but she still couldn't finish it no matter how much she ate, so she suggested in a low voice: "Lu Tianting, we can't finish it anyway, so let's bring the crabapple and eat it together."

"Xu Xinyan, why do you ignore my words?"

Xu Xinyan knew that Lu Tianting didn't like Xu Haitang, so she could only mutter: "She is my own sister no matter what, I still hope she grows up happily."

"Hmph! Your sister doesn't necessarily think so."

Xu Xinyan said helplessly: "What do you think, that's her business, but I have to fulfill my sister's responsibility."

"If you are willing to give up your man, you can call her." Lu Tianting said angrily: "People are too kind, that's stupid."

"You are stupid, your mouth is so poisonous, I curse you to be a bachelor all your life, and no one will like you." Xu Xinyan retorted without holding back.

I had long forgotten that I was Mrs. Lu's business.

"Mrs. Lu, I really think I won't be able to be a bachelor in this life. Even if you don't like me, it doesn't matter. I'm married and have a child. How long can you play?" Lu Tianting walked up to the little woman with a handsome face. On his forehead, he asked provocatively: "Mrs. Lu, stop cursing yourself. Living well is better than anything else."

"I didn't curse myself, I cursed you."

"Okay, then continue to curse me, it's best to curse me to death, your child will have no father."

"Lu Tianting, just use this matter to blackmail me." Xu Xinyan said angrily, "I'm tired and going to sleep."

After speaking, he jumped off his lap, entered the bedroom, and then climbed directly onto the big bed.

Xu Xinyan didn't ask to go home to sleep, which surprised Lu Tianting.

This country bumpkin is still a little self-conscious, and he is not unpopular at all.

Lu Tianting also walked in, simply went into the bathroom, took a shower, and walked out wrapped in a towel.

Xu Xinyan closed her eyes, didn't take a bath, and didn't want to move, so she could only lie curled up.

I felt the big bed next to me move.

Xu Xinyan opened her eyes, and saw that the man threw the bath towel directly into the cashier's yard. His upper body was naked, and his lower body was only wearing a pair of boxers. He just lay naked on the big bed with her.

When Lu Tianting saw the woman's scrutinizing gaze, he felt a sense of ridicule.

"If you can't satisfy your hunger just looking at it, you can touch it and eat it."

When Xu Xinyan heard the man's shameless words, she angrily beat his chest hard.

Lu Tianting grabbed her pink fist, hugged her up, and said, "It's not a good habit to sleep without taking a bath."

(End of this chapter)

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