I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1280 The Good-looking Little Bun

Chapter 1280 The Good-looking Little Bun

"Okay, I'm looking forward to the day when my little Fei'er will become famous." Xia Chenman said with a smile.

Gu Fei'er snuggled into Xia Chenman's arms and said, "Don't worry, Mommy, your daughter will definitely have such a day."

"Well, little Fei'er, Mommy is asking you, do you plan to sign with your father's studio after graduation, or with Mr. Huo's HX Entertainment?"

Gu Fei'er blinked her big eyes, not knowing what to say, because both sides were her closest relatives.

"No matter which side I sign, I seem to go through the back door." Gu Fei'er dragged her chin and sighed, "Who do you think I sign? You say that I am such a newcomer, and I still have to pick such a good company." , isn't it a little flirty?"

Wu Xiaotian walked over with a smile, and said, "My daughter has the capital to choose, because this studio belongs to Xiao Fei'er's father, and it's no different from hers."

Gu Fei'er smiled happily, then flew over like a bird, grabbed Wu Xiaotian's arm, "Father, thank you for being so kind to Xiao Fei'er."

Gu Feier stayed with Xia Chenman in the ward all the time, and stayed with her until she was discharged from the hospital before returning to Huanshan Villa with Xiaoputao.

Gu Fei'er lay down on the sofa as soon as she entered the door.

"Little lady, what's the matter with you?" Mama Zhang asked politely.

"Dear Mama Zhang, I'm going to be paralyzed from exhaustion."

Little Putao was taken to the nanny's room.

Gu Fei'er climbed onto the sofa and remained motionless.

Huo Sixuan walked in and saw the tired Gu Fei'er, and hugged her in his arms distressedly.

"Little Fei'er, I didn't tell you to come back early, but you just didn't listen. In fact, Teacher Xia has so many nannies and servants, so you don't need to worry at all."

"That's not good. How can others compare with their own daughters?"

Huo Sixuan said distressedly: "Little Fei'er, this weekend, we are going to the old house to celebrate the full moon for Little Putao, what do you think?"

"Sure, are sister Nuanxin's two babies going too?" Gu Fei'er asked excitedly.

Huo Sixuan said displeasedly: "It should be."

"Great, I'm going to put the three little buns side by side in the stroller, dress them in uniform clothes, and I'm going to take a lot of beautiful photos of them." Gu Fei'er asked excitedly: "Little uncle, what are you doing?" If these few good-looking little buns are exposed, will they become Internet celebrities and make money for us?"

Huo Sixuan rubbed Gu Feier's hair in confusion, and said, "Gu Feier, are you short of money?"

"No shortage."

"Are you missing something?"

"No shortage."

"Since there is no shortage, you want to be famous even in your dreams."

Gu Fei'er was a little displeased when asked: "No, I'm not that tasteless, I'm just joking, why bother to be serious."

"In this case, why do we expose our little grape?" Huo Sixuan said with a serious face: "I will try my best to protect the child from being exposed by the public, I want him to live a happy life and have a childhood without sneak shots. "

"Little uncle, I was wrong, I was joking too." Gu Fei'er said with a sad face, "I also agree that Xiao Putao should not be exposed, but there will definitely be reporters in the birthday party that day, what should I do?"

"When I send invitations, I will find a way to be stricter and try not to let the paparazzi get in."

"But grandma, grandpa's friend?"

"I also try to let them control it more strictly."

Gu Fei'er suddenly said: "Why don't you discuss this matter with this guy who struck up a conversation with. Although this guy is a bit evil in his heart, he has a lot of tricks."

(End of this chapter)

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