I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1281 Let Huo Tianyi enjoy his success

Chapter 1281 Let Huo Tianyi enjoy his success
When Huo Sixuan heard that Gu Fei'er praised Huo Tianyi, he immediately asked, "Is this a compliment to him?"

Gu Fei'er saw Huo Sixuan's sullen expression, and immediately explained: "The main reason is that you are too tall, little uncle, and you are a person who does big things. You may not be as good as Huo Tianyi, a man like Huo Tianyi, when dealing with small things like housewives and children. Be flexible."

"Little Fei'er, why am I inflexible?"

Gu Feier is embarrassing.

Why is it difficult to explain to my little uncle.

"Little uncle, what you and I mean is that there are many people and strength is great. I'm afraid that you will be troubled. Why do you let Huo Tianyi sit back and enjoy all the security measures for fear of secretly taking pictures of a few little buns? Don't forget We have one more child besides his family."

Huo Sixuan glanced at the little girl who tried to explain, and his heart softened.

"It's almost there."

He took out his mobile phone and called Huo Tianyi. After answering the call, Huo Tianyi's teasing voice came over.

"Brother, why did you think of calling me? Did you make your little bun cry so much that you came to complain to me?"

After finishing speaking, he still did not forget to praise his little bun, "Let me tell you, big brother. My two little buns are very obedient, so I don't have to worry about it."

Just after Huo Tianyi finished speaking, Huo Sixuan heard the clear cry of the little baby girl opposite.

Huo Sixuan immediately said sarcastically: "It is indeed very obedient, my little Putao is an obedient child."

After Huo Sixuan finished speaking, he faintly heard Little Putao crying from the nanny's room.

"Brother, your little Putao is indeed very obedient."

Huo Sixuan said indifferently: "Fifty steps laugh at a hundred steps."

"Tell me, what can you do with me?" Huo Tianyi returned to the subject, knowing that Huo Sixuan was fine and would not be idle, so he called him.

"At noon this Saturday, we will hold a full moon banquet for the three little buns in the old house. I will leave the security to you. I don't want Little Putao to be exposed by the mass media."

Huo Tianyi immediately said, "I also don't want my little lotus and lotus seeds to be exposed, I want them to spend their childhood in peace and health like ordinary children, and I don't want them to live a rich and rich life prematurely." generation life."

"Since they can't choose their origins, we still have to create conditions for them." Huo Sixuan said helplessly: "Maybe many political and business people will come that day. After all, the Huo family is a century-old enterprise, so all aspects The work must be done well, especially to prevent the paparazzi from coming in to take pictures of the three little buns."

"This is easy to handle, I have my own way?" Huo Tianyi asked with a strange smile: "Brother, is this why you called me?"

"What do you think?"

"It's just such a small matter, dare to ask you to order?"

The corner of Huo Sixuan's mouth curled slightly, and he said, "My little Fei'er said that I am taller and suitable for doing some big things. You, Huo Tianyi, are better than me at such trivial things."

"Brother, I don't like listening to these words. What is stealing? This is opportunism. This is flexibility." Huo Tianyi retorted disapprovingly.

"What can you do to prevent them from secretly taking pictures?"

Huo Tianyi teased: "Brother, you said that you are also the CEO of Group H, why can't you even think of a way?"

"I don't have as many evil spirits as you, and I don't have many good intentions."

Huo Tianyi was a little annoyed by someone's words: "Brother, tell me, why don't you look down on me?"

(End of this chapter)

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