Chapter 205

Gu Fei'er pushed Wang Dahei's body aside, covered with blood, trembling with fright.

She killed someone, what should I do?
Now she can't go out, if she goes out, Wang Dahei's subordinates outside will definitely not let her go, what should I do?
Gu Fei'er staggered and locked the bedroom door.

Trembling, he took out his phone and started looking for a number.

Huo Sixuan sat anxiously on the plane, and closed his eyes in despair. How many people have gone yet?What would happen to his little Mayfair?Each of them has to pay the price.

Little Fei'er, his little Fei'er, he blamed himself and wanted to die now.

Seeing the connected phone, Gu Fei'er said nervously and fearfully, "Xiao Xiao, I'm done, I killed someone."

When Huo Sixuan just got off the plane, when he heard the little girl's voice, his desperate eyes lit up. Her little Fei'er was still alive and could speak.

"Don't worry! Little Fei'er, speak slowly, I am little uncle."

When Gu Feier heard Huo Sixuan's voice, she cried 'Wow' and kept shaking her head, her voice was full of fear and uneasiness: "Little uncle, I don't want to go to jail, I killed someone."

Huo Sixuan's heart ached when he heard the terrified little girl.

"Little Fei'er, this is self-defense, and I won't go to jail. Baby, don't be nervous, I've already asked them to rescue you, be good! Wait for me."

When Gu Fei'er heard Huo Sixuan's analysis, she relaxed a little. Now she is most afraid of Wang Dahei's subordinates breaking in.

Gu Fei'er leaned against the bedroom door and kept looking into the cat's eyes, no longer caring about how embarrassed she was.

Charming outside, Qin Mutian, Ji Mingyi, and Fu Han all rushed here, and Su Ruihao was in Italy to discuss cooperation, so he also took a helicopter directly to the country.

They dare not neglect the matter of the boss.

If the business is lost and the money is gone, you can earn it again. If you are hacked by the elder brother, you will lose your life. What money do you make?

"Second Young Master, you really don't intend to be a hero to save the beauty, but just watch the beauty being ruined?" Mu Haitian asked cautiously to the lazy man in the co-pilot.

"Don't worry, I have to see who this little girl is!" Huo Tianyi's pretty peach eyes were full of the arrogance of a superior.

"If it is his person, I will definitely save it, if it is not his person, I will save it even more."

Mu Haitian didn't understand what he heard, Er Shao's words were just for nothing!

Er Shao's mind is still too little to ponder, men with uncertain weather are the most terrifying.

From the rearview mirror, Huo Tianyi saw Qin Mutian get off a Ferrari, wearing a mask and glasses, surrounded by a group of people, and walked quickly towards Charm.

This chick named Gu Fei'er is really Qin Mutian's person?
Then the little girl I saw in the bathroom last time must belong to Huo Sixuan.

Only by clarifying the relationship can we prescribe the right medicine.

Then when saving people today, just act as if you are showing mercy, and come on a whim!
"Drive, save people first." Huo Tianyi ordered.

As soon as Huo Tianyi and Mu Haitian's people came in, they subdued the little ruffians here.

Go directly to the bedrooms of Gu Feier and Wang Dahei.

Gu Fei'er, who had already lost her patience in waiting, began to get nervous again. She heard the sound below, and was so frightened that she had already picked up the mop head in the bedroom and was always ready at the bedroom door.

If Wang Dahei's people dared to come in, she decided to die with them, and she would never let these bad guys ruin herself.

Mu Haitian knocked on the door, but there was no answer. Gu Feier looked into the cat's eyes and did not recognize him.

It must be someone from Wang Dahei.

"Kick the door." Huo Tianyi ordered.

Mu Hai angel kicked the door open, and Gu Fei'er's mop also fell down.

Huo Tianyi had quick eyesight and quick hands, and snatched the mop from Gu Feier's hand in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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