I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 206 Challenging Huo Tianyi

Chapter 206 Challenging Huo Tianyi
Seeing that her hands were empty, Gu Fei'er wanted to close the door, but Huo Tianyi stretched out his hand and flicked Gu Fei'er's forehead vaguely.

"Little girl, I'm here to save you."

Gu Fei'er put down her vigilance and asked, "Are you entrusted by my little uncle to save me?"

He didn't like this guy who struck up a conversation, how could he come to save himself!

It's really strange.

"Yes, I am the person entrusted by your little uncle."

Just as Gu Feier was about to say something, Huo Tianyi hugged Gu Feier almost subconsciously.

"Put me down." Gu Fei'er struggled.

"You're so timid, your legs go limp from fright, and you're still showing off." Huo Tianyi teased.

But the gentle and pampering attitude in his tone didn't even occur to him!

But Mu Haitian really felt the tenderness of the second young master, this was the first time.

When I was with those women before, they tried their best to please them, and I never saw Er Shao look at them so directly.

Today is really evil.

When Huo Tianyi saw the little girl in his arms, a warm current ran through his heart inadvertently.

This little girl, such a small person, actually killed such a tall and burly Wang Dahei, he really gave this little girl a thumbs up.

"Assistant Mutt, check to see if he's dead, and notify the police immediately. If he's not dead, send him to the hospital for emergency treatment. Isn't it too cheap to just die like this?"

Gu Fei'er suddenly felt that the guy who hit him up wasn't so annoying anymore, at least his mind was very clear.

Huo Tianyi walked out with Gu Fei'er in his arms, but Gu Fei'er was still struggling to get down.

"If you move again, I'll find a room and kill you directly." Huo Tianyi threatened and frightened Gu Fei'er.

Gu Fei'er really didn't dare to move anymore. If someone is not kind, she wouldn't go out of the way of a wolf into a tiger's mouth, right?

Then she is really a tragedy.

As soon as he reached the hall, Qin Mutian walked in with his bodyguards.

"Put her down." There was no warmth in Qin Mutian's cold eyes.

Of course he knew about his relationship with Huo Sixuan, and he had heard about their conflicts.

Hearing the order, Huo Tianyi's beautiful peach eyes were full of sarcasm: "Your woman?"

"This is my private matter." Qin Mutian didn't say much, she was afraid of bringing unnecessary trouble to Huo Sixuan.

"Personal matter? Ha ha! What if I said that I fell in love with this girl!" Huo Tianyi said lightly, his eyes were full of possessive desire to get.

Gu Fei'er, who was being held in her arms, was not calm when she heard Huo Tianyi's words.

This guy who hit up a conversation turned out to have such a purpose!If the purpose is not pure, it means that he is not so kind.

I thought he was a good person just now, but I'm really blind!

Gu Fei'er hammered Huo Tianyi's chest vigorously, Huo Tianyi let out a muffled grunt, and almost dropped Gu Fei'er to the ground.

Gu Fei'er glared at him: "I'm sorry, I was really blind today, and mistaken a wolf for a sheep."

One bite at a time, nibble on your grandma's wool.

Huo Tianyi was not angry, he reached out and touched Gu Feier's delicate face, and his handsome face moved in front of Gu Feier: "Little girl, the only thing I like is to get it, understand?"

Gu Fei'er pushed his face vigorously with her small hand, and said still angrily: "I tell you, I, Gu Fei'er, belong to me only. As long as there is something I don't want, there is no way." Challenge Huo Tianyi.

"Little girl, then we'll just wait and see. I'm sure we'll meet again."

(End of this chapter)

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