I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 216 This Woman 1 Must Die

Chapter 216 This Woman Must Die
Before Huo Tianyi could make a move, the tall bodyguard behind pulled Xia Wu aside. Huo Tianyi disgustedly wiped the hand that Xia Wu touched with a tissue.Throw it in the trash can.

Huo Tianyi just walked in without warning. There was only one bed for two people in the small bedroom, and there was a small TV in the room.

The meal was placed directly on the bedside cabinet. There were only two steamed buns, a bowl of egg soup, and a small bowl. There seemed to be only some black pickles in the small bowl.

The mother and daughter put their faces very close, the girl is eating slowly, and the mother seems to be asleep, but the picture looks very warm.

Living in such a poor life is a kind of detached freedom.

Unlike him, who wanted to be compared with Huo Sixuan from birth, and he was a little bit better than himself in everything, he was not reconciled, and he was thinking hard.

There are so many women outside my father who has always been a wimp!Mom and Dad often quarrel.

I have never felt the warmth of home since I was a child.

Huo Tianyi looked at the mother and daughter. It was obvious that both of them were very thin, and the middle-aged woman who was lying down seemed to have a thin and sallow complexion.

The girl's side face is actually very beautiful, with a faint melancholy temperament in her frailty.

It's more to his liking than that girl named Gu Fei'er.

There is an inexplicable feeling in my heart that suddenly breeds.

Hearing the movement at the door of the bedroom, Xia Nuanxin then stood up, fixed her eyes, and bowed instantly: "Hello, boss."

The phrase 'boss' called Huo Tianyi stupid, he didn't remember knowing such a person.

"I know you?" Huo Sixuan raised his eyebrows and asked.

Xia Nuanxin said respectfully: "The boss certainly doesn't know me, I'm just an interior designer in a branch of Huo's."

Originally, he wanted to take her away directly, but now he has changed his mind. She looks quite appetizing, and it is interesting to eat slowly.

A gambler like Xia Wu actually has such a promising daughter.

"You should know the money your father owes me."

"I know." Huo Tianyi was surprised that he spoke neither humble nor overbearing.

Such a little girl is not afraid of him, and she speaks so confidently.

"Then how do you want to pay me back?" Huo Tianyi came directly in front of Xia Nuanxin.

Xia Nuanxin wasn't afraid. Although this was the first time she saw a real person, after all, she had seen the boss on TV many times.

Before Xia Nuanxin could answer, Huo Tianyi suddenly lowered his head and asked, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

Xia Nuanxin raised her head and looked at him, her small face flushed slightly: "You are the boss, I am your employee, and I have not made any mistakes, so why should I be afraid of you?" Xia Nuanxin asked instead.

Hearing Xia Nuanxin's words, Huo Tianyi was a little touched. This woman is not afraid of herself. This is the most truthful thing he has heard this year.

What should he do if he is very happy?
"You are very kind, much better than your gambler father." Huo Tianyi said sincerely.

"Boss, I won't renege on your money. It's just that my mother is sick and needs money. When she recovers, I will slowly return it to you." Xia Nuanxin's resolute eyes are full of confidence of light.

Huo Tianyi glanced at the confident and resolute little girl, so thin, so quiet, yet so responsible.

It suits his taste too much, what should I do?Suddenly he lost interest in that Gu Fei'er.Does he still have to be grateful to that Gu Fei'er for making him lose sesame seeds and pick up watermelons?

I want to eat it now and turn it into my own private property.

Huo Tianyi chuckled: "Are you sure you can pay me back the money you earn?"

"How much does my father owe you?" Xia Nuanxin asked in a low voice.

Just as Huo Tianyi was about to answer, Xia Nuanxin turned her head to look at her mother who had just fallen asleep, covered Huo Tianyi's mouth, and walked out of the bedroom directly while holding him with the other hand.

As soon as she walked out, Xia Nuanxin was also frightened, this is her big boss.

It's over!Dead.

What should I do if I was in a hurry and didn't notice the swelling?

In the living room, Li Xiawu, Mu Haitian, and the few bodyguards who were in a good position also stared with eyes bigger than copper bells.

sky!This woman must be dead.

Huo Tianyi was pulled out by the woman, surprisingly not angry, just watching the little woman's movements and cute expression.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my mother is already very sick, and I can't bear the excitement anymore, what can you talk to me about." Xia Nuanxin kept explaining.

 The Second Young Master will be taken care of by Xia Nuanxin. Believe it or not, little cuties, if you believe me, don't you hurry up and support Manman?cover face
(End of this chapter)

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