I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 217 Being raised by someone is something she never thought of in her whole life

Chapter 217 Being raised by someone is something she never thought of in her life
Huo Tianyi suddenly squatted down and hugged Xia Nuanxin directly.

"Put me down, let me down." The little woman in her arms beat Huo Tianyi hard.

Xia Wu was also frightened, and kept begging Huo Tianyi: "Second Young Master, my daughter is only 23 years old, please let him go!"

"It's good to be tender. Don't worry, I'm just talking to your daughter about how to pay back the money in the future, and I won't hurt her."

It was the first time that Huo Tianyi explained his behavior to others so carefully.

Huo Tianyi directly hugged Xia Nuanxin out, this woman was too light, he could hold her directly with one hand, and opened the car door with the other hand to stuff Xia Nuanxin in.

"What do you want to do?" Xia Nuanxin leaned herself against the car window and asked nervously.

"Do you think it's suitable to talk about how to pay me back at your house?" Huo Tianyi leaned closer to Xia Nuanxin, and his warm breath sprayed directly on Xia Nuanxin's face.

"What do you want?"

"Be my woman." Huo Tianyi didn't hide his interest in her.

Huo Tianyi felt a little tired of constantly changing women like this, so why not find a regular one.

Especially those women who flattered him were also very afraid of him, and kept begging him for money and material demands.

"Dream!" Xia Nuanxin refused without hesitation.

For Xia Nuanxin who already has a boyfriend, how could she agree.

"Miss Xia, your father owes me 2000 million. Apart from being my woman, do you think you can still pay it back in your life?"

2000?Xia Nuanxin didn't expect so much, she thought it was only a few million!

"Sorry, I won't sell my body."

"Selling? Woman, I'm not married." Huo Tianyi narrowed his dangerous eyes.

How dare you despise him.

"But you have many women." I think it's dirty.

Xia Nuanxin still didn't dare to say the last words, she still wanted to live and watch her mother get cured.

Huo Tianyi: '...'

Huo Tianyi put his hands on Xia Nuanxin's shoulders, and said ambiguously: "If I promise to cure your mother's illness, won't Miss Xia agree?"

Xia Nuan felt heartbroken, she could cure her mother's illness and let her die, this is indeed her weakness.

Xia Nuanxin closed her eyes in despair, struggled slowly, and said lightly, "Okay, I promise."

Huo Tianyi saw Xia Nuanxin's heroic attitude, and his beautiful peach eyes were full of smiles: "Actually, I just think it's troublesome to change women frequently. Finding a fixed one saves time and effort, and it's clean."

Also save time and effort? '

clean your sister!

I got all your scandals in the past from the gossip of the company.

"My request is that you have to accompany me to eat three meals a day, warm my bed at night, and satisfy my physical needs by the way. You also have to help me take care of my life." Huo Tianyi's handsome face almost They all touched Xia Nuanxin's nose: "Before you end with me, you must be clean physically and mentally, and you can't flirt outside, do you hear me?"

Xia Nuanxin didn't hear his warning, all she cared about was her mother.

"I want my mother to be treated as soon as possible." Xia Nuanxin said helplessly.

For love, she no longer longs for it. To be taken care of by others is something that Xia Nuanxin has never thought of in her life. For her mother, she can only choose this way!
Huo Tianyi stretched out his hand to touch Xia Nuanxin's small face, and looked at her unlovable look and said proudly, "When you get the treatment depends on your performance."

"I want to start as soon as possible." Xia Nuanxin closed her eyes and said indifferently.

As soon as I turned around, tears flowed down the corners of my eyes, hoping that my mother would not blame her.

"I want you to keep it a secret and not let my family know about it."

"As long as you are obedient, everything is easy to talk about." Huo Tianyi was in a good mood and said to Mu Haitian who was driving ahead: "Go back to Yiran Pavilion."

(End of this chapter)

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