I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 222 It's a pity that I can only give it to you if I throw away the dog monster

Chapter 222 It's a pity that I can only give it to you if I throw away the dog monster

Could it be that the little girl I tossed about yesterday was too powerful?

You can't blame him, who made his little Mayfair so charming and delicious.

"Then you can't blame me. I have already restrained myself like that. I wanted to do it again. You fell asleep, and I didn't give up. You still blame me. Xiao Fei'er, I think you just lack exercise. You can exercise with me some other day!" For our future sexual happiness.

My little Mayfair is so delicious, I can't help it, what should I do?Huo Sixuan was still full of grievances.

Huo Sixuan didn't dare to say the latter words, he was afraid that his little girl would explode.

What is this right?Why is the little uncle discussing this issue so roguely.

She didn't say anything that was misleading!man!Sure enough, they all look the same.

The little uncle is not exempt.

"Little uncle, I don't want to discuss this issue with you today." Gu Fei'er squeezed Huo Sixuan hard with her little hand.

Huo Sixuan wasn't angry at all, but rather excited, he was willing to touch his little girl's skin directly, even if she pinched himself hard.

Does he have a tendency to be masochistic? In fact, Xiao Fei'er would occasionally pinch his back hard when she was in the most touching love-love with him, and would occasionally bite his shoulders with teeth marks.

Gu Fei'er, who was getting angry, didn't know what Huo Sixuan was thinking at the moment.

"Little uncle, why do you make friends with a beast man like An Zichuan?" The little girl asked angrily.

"He bullied you?" Huo Sixuan's face immediately flashed a dangerous light.

No one can bully her little girl, this is his bottom line.

"He didn't bully me anymore, and he treated Ai Ai like that. Ai Ai is such a good girl, how could he do such a beastly thing to her!" Gu Feier was really worried for Zhu Aai.

I can still come to my little uncle to question him.

"Little Fei'er, An Zichuan is not what you imagined, maybe the relationship between them is like that!"

"How? He just bullied Ai Ai."

"I don't believe it, he is just a bad person." Gu Fei'er insisted.

Huo Sixuan hugged Gu Fei'er halfway, and returned to the grill, telling Gu Feier to watch the interaction between An Zichuan and Zhu Aiai.

"Mr. An, thank you, you can eat something first!" Zhu Aiai glanced at the wings that An Zichuan handed over, and said carefully.

"Don't think that I baked it for you. I don't have such a leisurely heart. It's just that I only like to bake and don't like to eat. It's a pity to throw it away and feed it to the dog. I can only give it to you. Don't be hypocritical here." " An Zichuan said to Zhu Aiai in a viper way, but his eyes were fixed on the string of wings, he is also hungry, okay?

This woman is so ignorant, ignorant, stupid, and stupid.

The most important thing is that he is so cheap that he dared to climb into his bed and take away his first time.

He now has nothing but hatred for this woman, so much hatred!

"Do you want to eat it? If you don't eat it, I'll let someone feed it to the dogs." An Zichuan saw Zhu Aaiai with a moved face.

"Thank you, Zichuan."

"Don't call me so affectionate, be careful, I'm here to have a live erotic palace, and I want you." Even though he said so, the blush on his face was reflected under the lamp.

Zhu Aiai suddenly felt uncomfortable, why didn't he know how to respect himself!

At the same time, Zhu Aiai also lost the desire to eat, so he took two bites and handed the meat skewers to An Zichuan.

Seeing what she had worked so hard to get out of the exam, this woman was actually tasteless.

An Zichuan immediately threw the mutton skewers that Zhu Aai hadn't moved into the trash can.

"Zhu Aiai, I think you're cheap." After speaking, she left angrily.

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(End of this chapter)

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