I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 223 Just Open Your Noble Mouth

Chapter 223 Just Open Your Noble Mouth
"Zi Chuan, Zi Chuan." Zhu Aiai kept shouting from behind, holding up her skirt and chasing after An Zi Chuan who was striding forward.

Gu Fei'er and Huo Sixuan here were very worried when they watched the two of them continue to torture each other.

What kind of love pattern is this.

Even though they both have each other in their hearts, they hurt each other constantly.

"Love is actually very strange. Men and women in love are simply lunatics, unreasonable lunatics." Gu Fei'er said to herself.

"It's enough that my little Fei'er and I are not crazy, and we don't care about others. After all, they should face and deal with emotional matters by themselves."

Gu Feier nodded.

It turns out that the little uncle has always been a sensible person, maybe Ai Ai and that An Zichuan have been deeply in love for a long time!

It's just that they don't know each other's feelings.

Really, they should deal with emotional matters by themselves!

"Where's Xiaoxiao?" Gu Fei'er thought of Xia Xiaoxiao now, and looked from a distance, Xia Xiaoxiao was looking at Qin Mutian nympho like a little pug.

It turns out that the male god in Xiaoxiao's heart is Qin Mutian!

Pei Muran who was beside him also looked at Xia Xiaoxiao who was overwhelmed with anger.

Qin Mutian had just finished copying a few skewers of mutton when he saw Xia Xiaoxiao swallowing his saliva and burst out laughing.

The little girl is really cute, like a cute little pug dog!

Just as Qin Mutian was about to hand it to Xia Xiaoxiao, Pei Muran stretched out his diamond-studded hands, and said softly and flatteringly, "God, I'm hungry."

The two [-]th-line celebrities next to them were still secretly taking pictures and videos.

"Don't you think it smells bad? I remember you didn't eat mutton in the crew." Qin Mutian slapped Pei Muran's face unceremoniously.

Pei Muran's face was full of embarrassment, so he could only explain in a low voice: "This kind of barbecue has covered its smell with cumin powder, and I can actually eat some."

Qin Mutian glanced at the fake Pei Muran with indifferent eyes, then at Xia Xiaoxiao who kept staring at him with a nympho, and said: "Didn't you say that you are not interested in all smells of food! Cumin powder The smell is great, do you think you can?"

So stop eating and continue to maintain your image!

Pei Muran's face became pale and speechless: '...'

Xia Xiaoxiao snatched the meat skewer from Yingdi Qin's hand, and ate it with big mouthfuls, without any sense of eating, and even more so without any scheming.

The meat skewers tested by Qin Yingdi himself really tasted different!

It's delicious, much better than eating hot pot with Gu Fei'er.

"It's delicious. The meat skewers baked by Qin Yingdi himself are really delicious."

Seeing Xia Xiaoxiao's satisfied look, Qin Mutian shook his head, a woman who doesn't eat.

You can't eat slowly like a woman.

"Eat slowly, no one will fight with you." Qin Mutian said softly, although he was still so cold and cold, but there was still a lot of concern in his tone.

Seeing such a scene, Pei Muran was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

His nails dug into his own flesh, but he couldn't feel any pain.

This little newcomer who has nothing to do with him actually got Qin Mutian's curtains like this, but he, a famous actress, didn't get any of his attention.

Why?Why should she.

Let's wait and see, woman, I won't let you go.

Pei Muran looked at Xia Xiaoxiao fiercely, his eyes were full of resentment and murderous intent.

Watching Gu Feier eat, Qin Mutian really felt a little bit drawn into his appetite.

"Actor Qin, try it too. It's really delicious. After passing through your hands, this fishy little piece of meat really becomes very appetizing." Gu Feier ate half of the food. Pass it in front of Qin Mutian.

His eyes seemed to be asking, "Film Emperor Qin, just open your noble mouth!" '

(End of this chapter)

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