I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 272 The devil's money is not for nothing

Chapter 272 The devil's money is not for nothing

Deputy Mayor Li's only daughter is her college classmate, and she must go beautifully.

Although she is very poor now, she can't lose in her aura.

Especially facing Li Yihuan.

The two had a lot of rivalry in college, especially in studies. At that time, Li Yihuan's father was just an ordinary section chief, and Xia Wu's business was booming. Xia Nuanxin was also a rich second-year-old generation.

Xia Nuanxin came to a large shopping mall under the H Group, and as soon as she entered the evening dress exclusive area on the sixth floor, she saw Gu Fei'er and Xia Xiaoxiao also choosing evening dresses here.

"Fei'er, Xiaoxiao." Xia Nuanxin called out to the two of them softly.

Gu Feier and Xia Xiaoxiao turned around at the same time, and suddenly rushed over excitedly: "Sister."

"Sister, where have you been? We have lost contact since you graduated." Gu Fei'er scolded coquettishly.

"Yes! Sister, we have inquired many ways but failed to find out about you. I am so anxious for Fei'er and me."

"Something happened at home." Xia Nuanxin said with a melancholy expression.

"Are you alright! Sister?" Gu Fei'er asked with concern.

"It's okay, don't worry, it's been resolved." The stubborn Xia Nuanxin didn't want others to see her predicament.

Besides, she didn't want to let her friends know about her current relationship with Huo Tianyi.

"That's good." Xia Xiaoxiao said. "Senior sister, you are too thin, eat more." Xia Xiaoxiao said with some distress when she saw that Xia Nuanxin could only wear the smallest size dress, which was quite loose.

The three of them met in a club in a university, but Xia Nuanxin was the head of the group and always took good care of Gu Feier and Xiao Xiao. Outstanding, skipping several grades in a row, one year after graduation, and Gu Feier and Xia Xiaoxiao are still one year away from undergraduate.

Xia Nuanxin smiled helplessly: "I can't help it, but I can actually eat it."

"Yeah! I also eat a lot." Gu Fei'er said with a smile.

"You two are really annoying. You can't get fat no matter what you eat. Unlike me, I get fat when I eat. I have a short and fat physique." Xia Xiaoxiao stomped at the two of them with some taste.

"Not all women are thin and good-looking, such as our little classmates." Xia Nuanxin joked.

"I think so too! Although the little classmate is somewhat fleshy, she is playful and cute." Gu Fei'er also followed suit.

Xia Xiaoxiao heard the jokes between the two, and said sadly: "From now on, you are not allowed to call me cute. In fact, if you look at me, I can be considered a beauty. Right?" After finishing speaking, she turned to Gu Feier and Xia Xia blinked her big eyes warmly and playfully.

Then Gu Feier and Xia Nuanxin giggled.

The few people chatted happily, and they all bought their favorite dresses. In the end, they went to the same place, which is really fate.

Several people had an afternoon tea and then drove away.

Moreover, they also made an appointment to go to Li Yihuan's birthday party with the three of them on Saturday.


Huo Tianyi looked at the consumption records on his mobile phone information, and felt much better.

This woman also knows how to vent her anger when she is angry, she is not particularly stupid.

That's right!Xia Nuanxin bought a few more beautiful summer clothes after seeing off Gu Feier and Xia Xiaoxiao.

Every time I was looked down upon by others, anyway, it was the devil's money, and it was not spent in vain.

Xia Nuanxin bought so many clothes in big bags and small bags, and they were all from big shopping malls. The key is that she still spent that perverted money, and she felt super happy.

(End of this chapter)

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