I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 273 Your Little Uncle Huo Looks So Sexy

Chapter 273 Your Little Uncle Huo Looks So Sexy
Gu Feier and Xia Xiaoxiao went to several nearby shopping malls to continue shopping.

It's summer, and the little uncle wears black trousers in addition to a white shirt. He is very rigid, as if he never changes his clothes.

"Xiao Xiao, look at these t-shirts and jeans. Does my little uncle look good in them?"

Gu Feier looked at a white T-shirt with a big heart pierced by an arrow.There are love bubbles in the eyes, I really like it.

Xia Xiaoxiao took a look and nodded: "Uncle Huo is good-looking, it doesn't seem ugly to wear anything."

Xia Xiaoxiao looked at the clothes that Gu Fei'er was pointing at, and thought that it would look good in Qin Yingdi's clothes.

"Waitress, wrap it up for me." Gu Fei'er said proudly.

"Xiao Xiao, look at this burgundy top, my uncle won't look flamboyant in it!" Gu Fei'er had to ask Xia Xiaoxiao for her opinion every time she bought a piece of clothing.

"Your Uncle Huo looks like a coward."

Gu Feier: '...'

Suddenly Gu Fei'er thought of something, her eyes lit up, and she said, "Xiao Xiao, look at this sky blue shirt, I think it is very suitable for a cold man like Qin Yingdi. Qin Yingdi has three-dimensional features and sharp edges and corners, which is really pretty He's handsome, if he wears this sky blue top, he must be very handsome." Gu Fei'er looked at Xia Xiaoxiao's expression and kept praising her.

Sure enough, looking at this girl, her eyes were wide open, and she carefully sized up the sky blue blouse.

"The actor Qin you are talking about is Qin Mutian. I am his fan. I think he is also very suitable for blue. Look at the down jacket endorsement he made in winter. He is wearing a blue sample, so handsome." One of the waitresses said excitedly.

Xia Xiaoxiao didn't have time to talk to the nympho waitress, but instead asked, "Waiter, how much is this blue shirt?"

"Fourteen thousand and three." The waiter replied calmly, noticing that Xia Xiaoxiao's eyes kept blinking, the waitress immediately asked, "You are also Qin Yingdi's fan girl, right?"

"Actually, I also wanted to buy a piece of clothing for Actor Qin, but I didn't have the chance to see it, hey!" the waitress said with a sigh.

"It's so expensive." Xia Xiaoxiao didn't answer the nympho waiter's words, but was surprised that the price was really expensive.

"Fei'er, can I lend you some money?" Xia Xiaoxiao said awkwardly as she touched her shriveled wallet.

"Silly girl, what else do you need to borrow? I'll use my little uncle's card to pay for you." Gu Fei'er finished speaking and took the card to pay.

"Fair, I will definitely return the money for this dress to you."

"Xiao Xiao, you don't have to be so polite with me." Gu Fei'er comforted.

"That's different, at least it represents my heart."

Gu Feier helped Xia Xiaoxiao pay the money, and Xia Xiaoxiao said that she would pay her back with the money she got from working part-time during the summer vacation.

After buying the clothes, Xia Xiaoxiao couldn't put it down and looked at the blue shirt, feeling very satisfied and beautiful, wondering if it would look good on Qin Yingdi?
"Don't worry! Best Actor Qin will definitely look good in it." Gu Fei'er comforted.

"Who's going to give it to him?" Xia Xiaoxiao's face turned pink, looking like a shy little woman.

"Fake it with me, okay! Then don't give it to him." Gu Fei'er said deliberately.

"No way, the waiters said Qin Yingdi is suitable for blue!" Xia Xiaoxiao expressed her inner thoughts anxiously.

Gu Fei'er laughed and asked: "Little classmate, do you want me to ask my little uncle to make an appointment for you and you give it to him in person?"

"No, I'll keep it for myself." Xia Xiaoxiao said incredulously.

"Xiao Xiao, liking someone is not something shameful, why don't you tell him directly?" Gu Fei'er asked helplessly.

This Xia Xiaoxiao is actually a pure lover.

Tell him directly?
But what if he is rejected by the arrogant Qin Yingdi?
PS: The cuties have found the foreshadowing!Xia Nuanxin is a very important person!Little cuties, I found that the rewards are a bit low recently, the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets are still a little less, and it is only a few hundred votes away from rushing into the book friend recommendation list, but it is so little that I can't get in!Do you have the heart not to let more people see such a down-to-earth article?
 VIP book group: 618895719
(End of this chapter)

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