I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 290 A Big Pie Falls from the Sky

Chapter 290 A Big Pie Falls from the Sky
"Hey, relax. Don't talk, just close your eyes quietly." Huo Sixuan coaxed.

Gu Fei'er closed her eyes and quietly enjoyed this wonderful moment, while Huo Sixuan nourished her little girl like a gentle breeze.

Perhaps it was a certain level of comfort, but the little girl fell asleep.

Huo Sixuan shook his head, got up and carried the little girl to the bathroom, the little girl asked in a drowsy sleep: "Little uncle, are you done?"

Hearing the question, Jun's face darkened a lot. Did the little girl take the love of husband and wife as a routine?

Huo Sixuan hugged the little girl and pinched her small waist, and slowly replied: "I'm not done, isn't Xiao Fei'er the clearest?"

Gu Fei'er smirked, wrapped her arms around Huo Sixuan's neck, changed her position and continued to sleep.

The next morning Gu Fei'er got up late again gloriously, but it was the weekend, so she just stayed in bed, and when she turned around, she saw that the empty bed was empty.

A small note was placed on the bed: "Xiao Fei'er, I'm going to a party at noon, and I won't be home for lunch. Aren't you and your little classmate going to a friend's birthday party together? You must pay attention to safety, Come back tonight to reward you. Husband: Huo Sixuan"

When Gu Feier saw the note, she was warmly moved, as if she was becoming more and more dependent on her little uncle, as long as she didn't see her little uncle, she seemed to feel empty in her heart, and she didn't find it annoying to be with him every day.

After Gu Fei'er woke up, Auntie Hour had already cooked the meal, and after a few simple bites, the driver at home took her directly to school.

When I came to the dormitory, everyone was basically busy with the interview for the internship report.

Fu Meiqi and Guan Ju faced each other to prepare for the interview process, Xia Xiaoxiao herself was reciting the interview script, Xie Fuling was transferred to another dormitory, she never showed up, only came for the exam.

It was rare for Gu Fei'er to be clean.

"Fei'er, this is the interview draft. You should also prepare it. Although it's just going through the motions, it still needs to give people a good impression, right?" Xia Xiaoxiao handed the interview draft to Gu Fei'er.

Gu Fei'er came over and said hello to Fu Meiqi and Guan Ju: "Boss, which unit are you all assigned to, Juhua?"

"I am Group H." Guan Ju said excitedly. "I didn't expect that I was assigned to Group H by accident. It was a big pie that fell from the sky, and it nearly knocked me out."

"I was assigned to An's, and I don't know what to do, hey!" Fu Meiqi was a little depressed, after all, they all got a good job, only she didn't know much about An's.

Gu Feier suddenly thought of An Zichuan and Zhu Aiai, "Boss, what's the name of their president?"

Fu Meiqi thought for a while and said, "It seems to be called...Zi Chuan."

"An Zichuan," Gu Fei'er said.

"Fei'er, do you know him?" Fu Meiqi asked excitedly.

"It's the pervert who is friendly with Zhu Aiai and bullies him." Xia Xiaoxiao spoke up.

"My little uncle's good friend, although his temper is a bit abnormal, he should still have a little ability, after all, he is my little uncle's good friend." Gu Fei'er explained.

Gu Feier felt proud of anyone who was labeled as Huo Sixuan.

Then Gu Fei'er took out Zhu Aai's number and sent it to Fu Meiqi: "Boss, this is Ai's number. If you encounter any problems in the company, maybe she can help you."

Gu Fei'er then sent another text message to Zhu Ai'ai, telling her about Fu Meiqi's situation.

Forget about doing Fu Meiqi a favor, although she is not a favorite, but she is the boss, and sometimes she may be powerless to do things.

It is also the desire of people to follow the trend.

(End of this chapter)

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