Chapter 291

"Fei'er, I will trouble you at noon today. My mother originally asked me to go with Xiarou. The deputy mayor Li gave my dad two invitations, but Xiarou went to play with her little boyfriend in Hawaii. I will go by myself." I'm a little scared, can you accompany me?" Xia Xiaoxiao pitifully begged Gu Fei'er to go to Li Yihuan's birthday party with her.

"Xiao Xiao, you have already said this little thing twice, you have helped me so much, so don't take it to heart, hehe! It just so happens that you have helped me a lot, my little uncle is not here today. Going home, I just go out for a meal with you." Gu Feier said with a smile.

The two of them prepared the interview process again, mainly for short novels, Gu Feier just listened as a judge and then offered opinions.

Gu Fei'er didn't take the interview too seriously. After all, it was H Group, and this was her husband's company. Even if the interview was the worst, she should be able to get in.

Although the little uncle doesn't interfere with the operation of the subordinate organization, but the little uncle is his husband!
Although she doesn't bother to go through the back door, but her husband's, can she go through occasionally!
At about nine o'clock, the two took a taxi to the beauty salon.

To attend the birthday party of Deputy Mayor Li's daughter, it is necessary to dress up well, after all, the people who go there are big shots.

They also don't want to be seen as clowns.

"Xiao Xiao, let's do our best!" Gu Fei'er suggested.

"It will cost a lot of money." Xia Xiaoxiao said with some distress when she saw the price.

Gu Fei'er patted Xia Xiaoxiao on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's okay, let me invite you today, and spend some of my little uncle's money first."

"Then what's the point?" Xia Xiaoxiao said in embarrassment.

"It's okay, I'll pay him back when I have money."

When the two came out two hours later, they both smiled: "Little you are so beautiful, I almost don't recognize you."

At this time, Xia Xiaoxiao was wearing a yellow knee-length dress, her long hair had been dyed into chestnuts and wavy on her shoulders, she was mature and cute.

"You are beautiful too, Fei'er. You have a good foundation, and you dress up like this, my God! You are so beautiful. If your little uncle sees you so beautiful, I guess he will jump on you on the spot."

"Xiao Xiao, what are you talking about?" Gu Fei'er blamed coquettishly with a red face and embarrassment.

Gu Fei'er's ponytail has been completely pulled into a beautiful ball, with a golden hairpin on the side, youthful and sunny with the playfulness and elegance of a little woman.

She was wearing a wine-red dress that she bought in a big shopping mall. If she stood with the little uncle in a wine-red shirt, it would definitely look like a couple's outfit or a couple.

This feeling is really good. When I go home, I must let my little uncle wear that wine-red shirt and take a few more good-looking photos.

The two of them called Xia Nuanxin as soon as they walked out, and 10 minutes later, Xia Nuanxin drove a brand new Ferrari.

Gu Fei'er was a little strange. She remembered that when she was in college, Nuan Xin's family didn't seem to be rich!

"Sister, your car is so beautiful." Xia Xiaoxiao looked at this beautiful Ferrari.

Xia Nuanxin flashed a little unnatural, and said lightly: "It's not mine, I borrowed it from a friend."

That pervert is now her husband, so it's not cheating to say that!

Xia Nuanxin is not the kind of beauty with amazing looks, but she is the kind of beauty who looks very comfortable, the more beautiful she looks, the more elegant she is.

"It's so beautiful!" Gu Fei'er and Xia Xiaoxiao couldn't help but praise.

(End of this chapter)

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