I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 416 Communication with Women

Chapter 416 Talking About Women

Hearing Xia Xiaoxiao's disappointed voice, Gu Fei'er was also a little worried, and hurriedly asked, "Xiaoxiao, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Mayfair." The voice was astringent.

"Xiao Xiao, where are you now?" Gu Fei'er asked worriedly.

"Get off work right away, I want to go back to my small rental house, Fei'er, can you come over and bring me some clothes and bedding? I don't want to go back to Qin Mutian's house." Xia Xiaoxiao sighed, her voice a little bit hoarse.

"Why don't you go somewhere to live?" Gu Fei'er asked worriedly.

Gu Fei'er walked to the manager's office to refresh her face and get off work.

"Qin Mutian, I want to take Pei Muran home. Now she's in a very unstable mood. I'm afraid that she will see me looking for life and death again, and it will make it difficult for Qin Yingdi to be a man." Xia Xiaoxiao and Gu Fei'er explained carefully.

Gu Fei'er noticed the helplessness and sadness in her tone.

"Xiao Xiao, you go back to the small rental house and wait for me. I'll go home in a while and get some clothes for you and bring them there for you."

After speaking, Gu Fei'er hung up the phone.

Many people had already lined up for a long queue at the face brushing place. Gu Fei'er finished brushing her face and went to the bathroom. Just as she was about to leave, she was grabbed by Wang Mofei.

"Gu Fei'er, don't try to climb into Manager Zou's bed again, and you still want to earn a place as an excellent intern with me."

Originally, Gu Fei'er didn't take this matter to heart at all, but now that she said it, Gu Fei'er did.

Originally, she was upset because of small things, but now this woman has really hit the gun.

Gu Feier looked Wang Mofei up and down, and said disdainfully: "Wang Mofei, I didn't want to earn money at first, but now I have changed my mind, and I will reserve this outstanding intern quota."

"Why do you? Do you think Manager Zou will give it to you?" Wang Mofei retorted nervously.

"I can't help him whether he gives it or not." Gu Fei'er said firmly.

Her husband is the president of Group H, so she can get what she wants, she doesn't care about this broken intern quota, she never thought that this woman would give Zou Shuo a mouthful for such a small profit, it's disgusting to death.

"Who do you think you are?"

"I don't think who I am, but I will definitely get what I want." Gu Fei'er turned around and smiled strangely at Wang Mofei after speaking, "Wang Mofei, a man like Zou Shuo is you I don't like being a baby at all, so don't worry, I won't rob you, and, I heard that his wife is pregnant, it's the time of hunger and thirst, hehe! You are really helping me!"

Gu Feier told Wang Mofei seriously about the information she had inquired from Zhang Tezhu.

"Don't talk nonsense, they are getting divorced! They have separated."

Gu Fei'er smiled disdainfully: "I have a message for you, I would rather believe in ghosts in the world than men's stinking mouths, men are all lower body animals."

Except of course her aloof little uncle.

The little uncle is a god of abstinence, even if he puts a woman on his bed, the little uncle will definitely not look at it.

"What are you doing?"

Zou Shuo, who was about to go into the bathroom, scolded the two unnaturally after hearing Gu Fei'er's words.

Gu Fei'er said naturally: "Hi, Manager Zou, I'm in the same office as Mo Fei, and we came here together. We were talking about women just now."

"Yes! Manager Zou. Gu Feier and I are good friends."

Neither of them told the truth, and left the bathroom like nothing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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