Chapter 417
Wang Mofei at the back tightly clenched his fists and looked at Zou Shuo with aggrieved eyes.

"Manager Zou, is what Gu Feier said true?"

Zou Shuo said in a low voice: "Come here." After speaking, he pulled Wang Mofei into the bathroom cubicle.

"Murphy, don't listen to that Gu Fei'er's nonsense. I have already filed for divorce with my wife. She is unwilling. I have sued for divorce now. I will be single again in a short time. When I get the divorce, I will be responsible to you." Zou Shuo said sweetly.

"Really? Don't lie to me." Wang Mofei regained the taste of happiness.

"Of course I won't lie to you, I swear." Zou Shuo raised his hand, pretending to swear, and Wang Mofei covered his mouth all at once.

"Who made you swear, I believe you are not good enough." Jiao Didi's voice carried a certain joy of achieving the goal.

Gu Fei'er, you still fight with me, do you deserve it?This man is mine.

The excellent quota is also mine, and it is just around the corner to stay in the H group.

Zou Shuo looked at Wang Mofei's delicate appearance, and his desire was on the verge of breaking out. He hugged her ambiguously and said, "Murphy, I like your mouth."

Wang Mofei squatted down slowly, and untied Zou Shuo's belt, revealing his disgusting stuff.

Soon both of them were satisfied, and then they left one after another, still like a pair of strangers who didn't know each other at all.

Gu Fei'er walked out, and Huo Sixuan's car had already parked opposite.

Gu Fei'er got into the car, feeling a little suffocated, with her little mouth pouted all the time.

Huo Sixuan smiled lowly: "Who messed with my little Fei'er?"

Gu Fei'er said angrily: "Little uncle, you found that your branch really needs to be rectified."

"Oh? Someone bullied my little Fei'er?" Huo Sixuan leaned over to fasten Gu Fei'er's seat belt.

Gu Feier remembered that Zou Shuo and Wang Mofei were doing such disgusting things in the office.

"Little uncle, I found that some department leaders are not clean, and some of them have unspoken rules for female employees." Gu Fei'er said truthfully.

Huo Sixuan reached out and stroked Gu Fei'er's hair before starting the car.

"This is a corporate culture, and other people's companies will also have it. If there is no such thing, the work efficiency will not be high. I don't care about their private life. I just want them to create commercial profits for me."

"So, you still agree with their disgusting behavior?" Gu Fei'er asked angrily.

Huo Sixuan saw the little girl's sulky demo, and found it a bit ridiculous.It might be a good thing to let her feel some of the gloom of society.

"Little Fei'er, I can't say I agree or dislike this matter. It's just a personal behavior. If it's true love with my other half, no matter how tempting the temptation around me is, he won't cheat. , but a makeshift marriage is hard to say." Huo Sixuan explained to Gu Feier seriously.

Gu Feier thought of her marriage with Huo Sixuan,
After thinking for a while, he suddenly asked, "Little uncle, can you do it?"

Hearing the little girl's question, Huo Sixuan's face suddenly changed color.

Did the little girl spare such a big circle just to ask this?This little girl still doesn't believe in herself?

Huo Sixuan didn't speak, and was a little angry.

The two fell silent suddenly, and there was a little depression in the car.

When they arrived at Coral World, Gu Fei'er walked slowly behind Huo Sixuan, and seemed to feel that what she asked was a bit too much.

As soon as she entered the door, Gu Fei'er felt that her body had already vacated.

"Little uncle, what are you doing?" Gu Fei'er stared at him with wide eyes.

"What do you want? Little Fei'er, you don't trust your husband so much, how do you think I should punish you!"

PS: Today's update is over, see you tomorrow!What is Huo Huo's punishment? I believe the cuties have already guessed it. I also want swollen wood to do it?cover face
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(End of this chapter)

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