I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 418 Qin Yingdi Doesn't Love Her

Chapter 418 Qin Yingdi Doesn't Love Her
Gu Fei'er asked Huo Sixuan to wait for her in the car outside, while she went into Xia Xiaoxiao's small rental house.

Seeing Xia Xiaoxiao sitting on her single bed with no expression on her face, the bed was already cleaned up, and there was nothing in the simple closet.

Gu Fei'er walked over and hugged Xia Xiaoxiao in her arms.

"Xiao Xiao, don't scare me, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that it was Gu Fei'er, Xia Xiaoxiao cried 'wow' all of a sudden.

"Fei'er, I'm so upset, I'm so stuck." Xia Xiaoxiao's tears were like broken beads, "Fei'er, I shouldn't interfere in their lives, I'm just a superfluous person."

Gu Fei'er hugged Xia Xiaoxiao to comfort her: "Xiao Xiao, don't say silly things, how can you be a superfluous person?"

"Fei'er, Pei Muran committed suicide by cutting her wrists. Qin Yingdi has been guarding her all the time. He knows that the relationship between them is not that kind of affection, but I still can't help but blame myself in my heart. If there is no me, can they just do it?" Are we together?" Xia Xiaoxiao cried.

"Even without you, Xia Xiaoxiao, there would still be Wang Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xiaoxiao intervening in their lives. It's a fact that Qin Yingdi doesn't love her, Xiaoxiao, you don't have to be so sad." Gu Fei'er said slowly she explained.

People say that women in love have zero IQ, and it's true.

"Fei'er, now that Best Actor Qin is going to take her home, I can no longer live with Best Actor Qin. I'm afraid that Pei Muran will commit suicide when he sees me getting agitated, and I will become a sinner forever."

While talking, Xia Xiaoxiao began to tidy up the clothes that Gu Fei'er had brought in.

As if none of this had ever happened before.

"Fei'er, I've made up my mind. If Emperor Qin can't handle his relationship with Pei Muran well, we will break up and we don't need to be together anymore. I can't bear to share him with another woman." Xia Xiaoxiao said suddenly and rationally : "Actually, I'm not at a loss now. I've already jumped on the male god and tasted what it's like to be his woman. Even if we break up, I can still remember this wonderful meeting for a lifetime."

Although it was easy to say, tears flowed down again when she turned her head: "Fei'er, it's a bit hot in the room, I'm going to wash my face."

Gu Fei'er is not a fool, how could she not feel the sadness in the little girl's heart.

Just like me and my little uncle now, if my little uncle has another woman, she probably wants to die.

Xia Xiaoxiao walked to the step-sized small bathroom, tears kept streaming, obviously a beautiful life was in front of her eyes, but she turned around and disappeared.

"Xiao Xiao, let's give up this relationship. It's just the beginning. It's not deep, it won't hurt too much, and it won't embarrass my beloved male god." Xia Xiaoxiao murmured to herself.

Xia Xiaoxiao went out and found that Gu Fei'er had already made her bed. Seeing the sultry air in the room, she said with some distress: "Xiaoxiao, the Phoenix Residence where my uncle and I used to live is empty. Come out, the decoration of various living facilities is complete, you go live there."

"No need, Mayfair, it's fine here, even if there are fans in the room, it's considered hot."

Xia Xiaoxiao didn't want to trouble Gu Fei'er too much, after all, her happy life had just begun, and she didn't want to interfere too much in other people's family life.

"Xiao Xiao, here is the key to Fenghuang Yaju. You can live there, I don't feel at ease if you stay here." After speaking, Gu Fei'er's eyes began to fill with tears.

Seeing Gu Feier's worried look, Xia Xiaoxiao compromised.

"Okay, Mayfair, I'll just go live."

"Really, great, let's go, pack up and go over there."

Gu Fei'er turned her worries into joy, helped Xia Xiaoxiao pack her clothes and left directly, and went to Fenghuang Yaju in Huo Sixuan's car.

(End of this chapter)

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