I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 435 Treating This Stupid Woman So Kindly

Chapter 435 Treating This Stupid Woman So Kindly

Huo Tianyi also felt familiar, as if she was the woman who was thrown out by him last time.

She wanted to fuck him, but he felt disgusted, so he threw her out directly.

"No, I can peel it myself, so I don't have to bother the waiter."

Mu Haitian also sat opposite.

Xia Nuanxin looked at a table of delicious food, and directly took a big crab, looked at it happily, and asked in a low voice: "Mutzhu, this crab is so big, it should be very expensive!"

Huo Tianyi looked at the little woman who looked like a money fanatic and didn't dare to stutter, and reached out to tap her little head: "This company belongs to your husband."

"Yes! Ma'am, just feel free to eat, you don't have to pay the bill." Mu Haitian also replied.

Mudan stood aside and looked at the woman who looked three points similar to her, feeling that fate was really unfair, since she was no worse than this woman at all, why would she be able to sit here and enjoy the favor of two men.

And I deserve to stand only as a waiter.

Mudan came over, deliberately walked in front of Huo Tianyi and asked gently: "Second Young Master, can I serve you?"

"Help me peel the crab meat!" Huo Tianyi was not polite.

Sitting beside Huo Tianyi, Mudan put on her gloves and began to peel the crab meat for him.

Xia Nuanxin also ate happily, and imitated Peony, carefully peeling and eating the fresh and tender meat by herself.

"Second Young Master, try it." After speaking, he took a bite out of Huo Tianyi's mouth with chopsticks.

"Put it down." The voice was flat, but the cold attitude made Mudan jump, and she could only put the crab meat on the dinner plate again.

Huo Tianyi didn't eat it, but picked up his own crab meat and poured it directly on Xia Nuanxin's dinner plate.

Mudan, Xia Nuanxin and Mu Haitian were all shocked.

Xia Nuanxin: '...how does this pervert have a gentleman side? '

Mu Haitian: "Second Young Master, you dote on your wife so much." '

Even Huo Tianyi was shocked by his behavior.

How could he be so nice to this stupid woman.

"Oh, I don't like seafood, so I'll give you the facilities!" Huo Tianyi quickly took the empty dinner plate.

I don't usually see you eating less, so I don't know what's going to happen.

"Eat it yourself, I'll do it myself."

Xia Nuanxin refused his alms, beautiful and slightly wrinkled.

Even a dog can't spit out ivory!
"Xia Nuanxin, if you don't eat, I'll just pour it out."

Mu Haitian saw the two people who were about to explode, and immediately said: "Madam, eat quickly."

When Xia Nuanxin saw the man who threatened her, the last trace of affection she had for him disappeared.

Xia Nuan angrily took the crab meat from Huo Tianyi's dinner plate, and ate it in big mouthfuls.

Xia Nuanxin ate without thinking, Mu Haitian glanced at Mudan beside him, and said: "Peony, you are not needed here, you go out first."

Mudan walked out reluctantly, and kept looking at Huo Tianyi before leaving.After Mudan went out, Mu Haitian took another look at Xia Nuanxin, who was eating happily, and hesitated what to say.

Huo Tianyi seemed to understand, turned around and glanced at Xia Nuanxin and said slowly: "But it's okay to say."

Mu Haitian said, "Second young master, Meng Chuqing has returned to take power. I heard that she has already been to the young master's company to discuss cooperation."

"Well, Huo's is also very weak in this direction. Help me find an opportunity to ask her out. I also want to enter the food business this year."

"Okay, but I think that with the relationship between Miss Meng and the young master, she will definitely not cooperate with us." Mu Haitian said analytically.

"That's not necessarily true. Enterprises are all about profit." Xia Nuanxin interjected while eating.

Huo Tianyi raised the corners of his mouth happily, this stupid woman still hopes that she can succeed!
After all, he is now the husband of this stupid woman.

(End of this chapter)

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