I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 436 You Can Only Be Mine In This Life

Chapter 436 You Can Only Be Mine In This Life
"My wife said so. I have to try anyway. If I don't try, I admit defeat. It's a bit contemptuous."

Mu Haitian nodded and said, "I'll make an appointment with her some other day."

"As soon as possible, I want to reach an agreement with her before Huo Sixuan discusses interests with her. Although she likes Huo Sixuan, she will not ignore Meng Shi. In the face of interests, anyone will surrender."

"Well, I'll finish it as soon as possible, Second Young Master don't worry." Seeing Huo Tianyi who didn't move his chopsticks at all, Mu Haitian said with concern: "Second Young Master, you didn't eat at night, so you should eat as much as you want. A vegetable to warm your stomach." Mu Haitian said thoughtfully.

Several people were full and it was close to ten o'clock. Xia Nuanxin sat in the car and asked, "Huo Tianyi, can I ask you a question?"


"Are you at odds with Huo Sixuan, the president of Group H?"

"More than that, we have a grudge." Huo Tianyi asked indifferently: "I heard that he organized you to go to Huanshan Villa tonight. What's going on?"

It wasn't him who organized it, it was Gu Fei'er, okay?
"Gu Feier is his little niece. We are college classmates and we have a good relationship. I was invited by Gu Feier today. I didn't know that he would go, let alone that they had such a relationship."

Huo Tianyi frowned, and said in a tone of no doubt while driving: "You are not allowed to associate with his little niece in the future, do you hear me?"

"Why! Huo Tianyi? You're restricting my personal freedom, and what's more, the love and hatred between you has nothing to do with me."

"Xia Nuanxin, I am your husband, and he is my enemy. Now that he knows about our relationship, do you think he will let you go? Xia Nuanxin, if you dare to be disobedient, I will directly..." throw you Go to the wilderness to feed the wolves.

"Huo Tianyi, is it interesting that you threaten me every day? Gu Feier and I don't participate in your business activities, why do you have to let Gu Feier and I break our friendship." Xia Nuanxin glared at Huo Tianyi who was driving and said: "I think the president of the H Group is not as bad as you said." Looks like a gentleman!
He dared to praise other men to his face, and he was also the person he hated the most in his life.

Huo Tianyi's car came to a 'snap' and stopped directly on the road, stretched out his big hand to pinch her chin, and warned word by word: "Xia Nuan Xin, why do you challenge my bottom line again and again, don't think that I I can't do anything to you." Huo Tianyi said through gritted teeth.

The harder the pinch was, the harder Xia Nuan felt that it was difficult to breathe, and she closed her eyes in despair.

"Xia Nuanxin, you can only be mine in this life, and no one can touch you." The man's stern tone was tinged with sadness and sadness.

Seeing the little girl's pale face, Huo Tianyi loosened his hands, and immediately hugged Xia Nuanxin into his arms, whispering: "Xin'er, I'm sorry, you can only be mine."

Huo Tianyi hugged Xia Nuanxin vigorously, and fixed the little girl in his arms as tightly as he was afraid that his beloved would be snatched away in a second, his voice trembling faintly.

Seeing the man's wailing, Xia Nuanxin's heart softened after all.

"Huo Tianyi, let go. I will not participate in the affairs between you, and I hope you will use the right means to participate in the market competition. I will not throw away the pure friendship between Gu Fei'er and me. I promise you and me. I won't have too much contact with her."

Huo Tianyi gently let go of Nuan Xin, his eyes were still tightly locked on her, and he asked with some resentment: "What about Huo Sixuan?"

(End of this chapter)

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