Chapter 437

Xia Nuan was taken aback, was this man actually jealous?

He almost strangled himself because he said something nice about the president of Group H.

Xia Nuanxin closed her eyes and deliberately did not speak, she was also very angry.

"Answer me."

"Huo Tianyi, don't you have any confidence in yourself? What do you think you can't compare to Huo Sixuan?"

Huo Tianyi, who was scolded by the little woman, seemed to lose his anger suddenly.

Is the little woman encouraging him?
"Xin'er, we won't discuss him anymore."

There was inexplicable helplessness and sadness in the voice.

Horns and whistles sounded from behind.

Only then did the two realize that the car had stopped on the main road in the city.

"Huo Tianyi, start the car quickly, there is a traffic jam behind, be careful that the traffic police will give us a ticket." Xia Nuanxin got up and glanced behind, urging.

Huo Tianyi put away his emotions and said, "Xin'er, I'm not afraid of punishment, your husband is rich."

"I know you are rich, and you can't be willful if you have money, start the car!" Suddenly remembered something, and said loudly: "Huo Tianyi, the Ferrari you bought for me is still in Huanshan Villa! Tonight you must Can you find someone to drive it back for me, I'm afraid the car will be stolen."

Only then did Xia Nuanxin belatedly remember that she drove to the Huanshan Villa, and the car was still in the large parking lot in their villa area.

Huo Tianyi started the car and smiled lowly: "Little money fan."

The two of them talked quite happily. When they got home, Aunt Wang saw that although the two were awkward, the young master's expression was obviously much better than when he left.

Huo Tianyi took Xia Nuanxin's little hand and walked upstairs to the bedroom.

Aunt Wang at the back shook her head, she hadn't seen the young master treat any girl so well in so many years.

Suddenly Huo Tianyi turned around and said, "Aunt Wang, the seafood in summer is delicious."

"I'll get someone to buy some fresh as soon as possible."

"Buy more crabs with eggs and larger crayfish."

It seems that this stupid woman especially likes to eat this kind of seafood.

Xia Nuanxin looked at Huo Tianyi who was still awkward, and just about to say something grateful, she heard Huo Tianyi say: "Don't think I'm doing it for you, I also like to eat."

Just say that this pervert is not so kind.

As soon as the two arrived at the door of the bedroom, Huo Tianyi immediately hugged Xia Nuanxin.

"Huo Tianyi, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Xin'er, you don't know what to say, don't you?"

Seeing that Xia Nuanxin was still distracted, Huo Tianyi kissed her small mouth, and reminded: "Xin'er, let's continue what we didn't do in the wilderness. You promised to make up for your husband, so don't deny it."

"Huo Tianyi, I... um..." I have swallowed everything I wanted to say.

Xia Nuanxin beat Huo Tianyi who was hugging her hard, "Rogue, let me go." After the beating ended, her strength became weaker and weaker, and she could only whisper: "Huo Tianyi, you stinky man, shameless. It's summer now. You're sweating all over, it smells bad."

"You have said that I am a stinky man, if I want to lose face again, I will be sorry for your words.

Xia Nuanxin: "..."

In the end, he could only compromise and said: "Huo Tianyi, can we go take a bath together?"

"it is good."

After Huo Tianyi finished speaking, he tore Xia Nuanxin's clothes in half, and couldn't wait to carry her into the big bathroom in the bedroom.

The bath was very big, and it was already filled with warm water. Holding the little girl in their arms, the two walked in together.

PS: The 8th update is over, see you tomorrow!
Thank you for the rainy day (1888 book coins), enjoy it (1099), if life is just like the first time you see it, live (three times), three and a half years old.

The awkward Er Shao and Nuan Xin will confess their feelings in the next episode, look forward to it! !

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(End of this chapter)

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