Chapter 470

This little girl is the little niece of the president of Group H. If she is here, then President Huo should also be here.

"Sister Xia, excuse me."

Sun Mei finally saw Huo Sixuan who was slowly tasting wine in a quiet corner.

Sun Mei took Gu Tiansheng's big hand and walked in front of Huo Sixuan, and said a little excitedly: "Mr. Huo, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend the reception held by our old Gu."

Gu Tiansheng took a look at the man who was sitting there sipping red wine all the time.

And a bunch of flattering faces walking around.Introduce yourself slowly: "Gu Tiansheng, when I met the president of Group H today, he is indeed young and promising."

When the people around heard that it was H Group, that mysterious and earthy newly emerging large enterprise, they began to discuss in a low voice.

"Young people are awesome! The president of Group H is so young."

"It looks like she's not married yet, she doesn't look too old."

"Old Zhou, didn't your daughter just come back from abroad? You can make a high point, my family is a son, so don't think about it."

The bosses of several companies even discussed a few words like a girl.

Gu Tiansheng didn't reach out to greet Huo Sixuan, Huo Sixuan stood up politely seeing so many people gathered around him to watch.

But he never reached out to shake Gu Tiansheng's hand.

"Mr. Gu, I've heard about the name for a long time, and I've wanted to visit for a long time. I hope we can have the opportunity to cooperate in the future." Huo Sixuan exchanged greetings.

Gu Fei'er here is being stalked by Gu Han, but her eyes are always scanning Huo Sixuan's position.

"Xia Xiaoxiao, we should keep in touch after school starts, okay?"

"Okay, I'll go over there and have a look." Gu Fei'er swung Gu Han away and walked directly to Huo Sixuan's position.

Gu Han also followed behind.

Xia Chenman, who was quietly sitting on the table, followed Gu Fei'er.

"Xia Xiaoxiao, it seems that I have mistaken the person." Xia Chenman said to himself.

Xia Chenman's assistant hurriedly asked, "Sister Xia, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, Xiao Zhang, help me inquire about this girl in the next few days, what's her name, her home address, and who else is there at home?"

"Okay, Miss Xia."

This girl is so much like when I was young.

Is it her?Is she his daughter?

After so many years, why is there no news at all.

I still remember that when I was leaving, I stuffed a note into her quilt.

It said "Tao Li Fangfei, call her Gu Fei'er!"

Brother is such a good person, he will definitely not change her name.

The adoptive mother's family is her reborn parents, such a good family, the only one who can't stand it is her elder brother.

Tears flowed down the corners of his eyes, and he couldn't let go of this child after so many years.

Gu Fei'er here walked up to Huo Sixuan, and softly called: "Little uncle."

Gu Tiansheng stared straight at Gu Fei'er, why does this girl have a similar feeling to him?

I like it immediately.

"Father, mother, she is the little girl named Xia I told you about."

Sun Mei glanced at Gu Fei'er and then at her own son.

This silly son, this girl is obviously not called Xia Xiaoxiao at all.

After hearing Gu Han's introduction, Huo Sixuan didn't expose it.

"Hello." Sun Mei greeted Gu Fei'er with a slight smile.

Gu Tiansheng looked carefully at Gu Feier Wuguan, and it turned out to be very similar to the Xia Chenman he just met when he was young.

There is even a sense of familiarity with his family, Gu, which is so strange.

At that time, when I fell in love with her, I also had such a beautiful face.

Gu Tiansheng carefully looked at Gu Fei'er's beautiful little face, and the always proud man stretched out his hand out of nowhere.

"President of Shengshi, Gu Tiansheng."

(End of this chapter)

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