I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 471 2 young, really bold

Chapter 471 The second young master is really bold

Huo Sixuan didn't wait for Gu Fei'er to reach out, so he protected Gu Fei'er in his arms, held Gu Tiansheng's hand directly, and said: "Mr. Gu and Designer Sun are both talented and beautiful, and they are harmonious. Only companies can do this." Well, Huo has entered the food industry the most recently and hopes to cooperate in technology."

Gu Tiansheng looked at Huo Sixuan, who was protecting the little girl under him like a chicken.Somewhat resentfully said: "It's an honor for Gu to cooperate with H Group."

"Mr. Gu, I was late due to the traffic jam on the road, and I punished myself with a drink. At this moment, an evil voice sounded.

Several people looked up and saw Huo Tianyi walking over with a woman in his arms.

Why are the guy who strikes up and sister Nuanxin together?
Are they really husband and wife?

"Sister Nuanxin, why are you here?" Gu Feier warmly greeted Xia Nuanxin.

Xia Nuanxin did not answer Gu Feier's question.

She didn't expect to meet Gu Feier here. Seeing so many people around, Xia Nuanxin pushed Huo Tianyi away, took Gu Feier's little hand, and found a quiet place to sit down and chat.

Here Huo Tianyi saw Xia Nuanxin happily sitting with that Gu Fei'er.

Immediately looked away, raised his head and greeted Huo Sixuan enthusiastically, and said with a handsome face, "Brother, you seem to be very elegant recently."

"each other"

Huo Sixuan's voice was faint but filled with disgust and alienation.

Seeing Huo Sixuan's indifferent and alienated attitude, Huo Tianyi turned to exchange greetings with Gu Tiansheng: "Mr. Gu, Huo is late, and I will punish myself with a drink." After speaking, he picked up a glass of red wine from the waiter's tray and drank it clean.

"Second young master, you are really bold." Gu Tiansheng smiled and took a sip of the red wine.

Seeing that her husband ignored Huo Sixuan, Sun Mei immediately said flatteringly, "President, I would like to toast you."

Huo Sixuan also took a sip, "Designer Sun, next season's Ouxiang trench coat should be a selling point. You are troubled and lead everyone to design a few more styles. I will consider increasing your share by a few percentage points."

"Thank you, President." Sun Mei glanced at her tanned son and said, "President, Gu Han is now an intern at Group H, and I hope the President can take care of her. The child hasn't suffered much. Let her come back in a few days." Company."

"Good to say."

"President, you are busy, I'll go over there for a while." Sun Mei glanced at Xia Chenman's back, looking a little lonely.

Although she is her designer, there is always a hurdle in her heart that she cannot overcome.

That is, before Gu Tiansheng married her, he had a relationship with her.

The two seemed to be very in love with each other, but they suddenly separated for some reason, and the two had no intersection for the next few years.

After Xia Chenman became famous, he hired her as a personal designer.

Although there are pimples, the name of the actress designer is too tempting after all, and it will be of great help to my career.

"Sister Xia, you are so busy, you still come here in person." Sun Mei greeted simply.

Xia Chenman looked away from Gu Fei'er.

"No matter how busy you are, I will still support you." Xia Chenman warmly exchanged greetings with Sun Mei.

"Sister Xia, I heard that you will be starring in "Rebirth of the 70s" funded by HX?"

"I have this plan, but it hasn't been finalized yet. The schedule is not particularly full recently. After all, I am getting old and my body is a bit overwhelmed." Xia Chenman sighed.

"Sister Xia has been popular for so many years, don't you plan to find someone?" Sun Mei asked tentatively.

It is always a heart problem for her not to marry for a day. She knows what kind of person Lao Gu is.

(End of this chapter)

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