Chapter 472 Have a baby!
Be good to her, but never open my heart.Even if Gu Han already exists, the relationship between husband and wife is so-so, not good or not good.

But she believed in his behavior. After all these years, no matter how much he had feelings for Xia Chenman, it was many years ago.

"Hehe! My sister is still worried about my personal affairs?" Xia Chenman teased.

"I also think that sister Xia will have a companion and a child around her knees when she gets old, so don't be too lonely." Sun Mei also spoke the truth.

Xia Chenman smiled, "I'm so old, maybe I can't reproduce anymore!"

"Sister Xia, what are you talking about, you are only 40 years old this year, and your body is well maintained, and you often play the role of an unmarried girl on the screen."

Sun Mei has always known that Xia Chenman is very low-key, treats people around her well, treats her well, and pays well.

I have always had a good impression of her, except of course the incident with Gu Tiansheng.

Xia Chenman smiled shyly: "My sister is laughing at me, I'm not pretending to be tender on the screen."

Although Xia Chenman, who is extremely charming and charming, is 40 years old, she is an actress after all, and she is well maintained. Compared with ordinary people, people will believe that she is in her thirties or twenties.

'Having a baby? '

Xia Chenman raised her head and glanced at Gu Fei'er who was hiding in a corner having fun with her friends. In fact, if this child really belonged to her, he should be 22 years old!

That year, he gave birth to her just after he was full.

Xia Chenman's eyes were a little sore, he stood up and said goodbye to Sun Mei.

"It's getting late, sister, I'll go back first, I have to study the script, and I'll return to the crew tomorrow."

"I'll have someone send you off."

"No need, there are bodyguards and drivers outside." Xia Chenman, wearing a diamond blue evening dress, slowly returned to her villa through the back door.

Before leaving, he still didn't forget to look back at Gu Fei'er, and left reluctantly.

"Sister Xia, I think you seem to be very interested in that little girl just now."

Xia Chenman smiled: "The little girl is pretty, and she is also my fan. I can't help but look at beautiful things more."

Even with his assistant, Xia Chenman made a small fuss.

After all, it is taboo for actors to have illegitimate children.

She had to take care of the image of the young lady queen who had been in business for so many years.

As soon as he returned to the gate of the villa, Wu Xiaotian's car had already stopped at the gate.

Seeing Xia Chenman's car approaching, Wu Xiao got out of the car to open the door for her, and asked with concern: "Xiao Man, do you feel tired?"

The 40-year-old man is still handsome and boundless, Xia Chenman panicked for a moment.

For so many years, this man has been silently by her side.

Regardless of her career success or failure, he chose to support her. He never married, but chose to grow old with her slowly.

The two have known each other since they were in their twenties, and they have passed through more than a dozen years of ups and downs. If they don't get married again, they will be really old.

Die alone?She doesn't want such an old life, even if she lives a beautiful life, she still wants to live an ordinary life.

"Xiaotian, the crew is so busy, you are the director leaving the post without authorization, it's a little rude." Xia Chenman put his hand on Wu Xiaotian's arm, and said coquettishly.

"Wife, we're all gone, and of course my husband will follow suit." Wu Xiaotian also teased.

The two of them were holding hands, like young people who had just fallen in love, when Xia Chenman suddenly hugged his neck.

"Xiaotian, let's have a baby!"

Wu Xiaotian kissed Xia Chenman, "Think about it, aren't you afraid of affecting your career?"

(End of this chapter)

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