Chapter 480

"Okay! I'll wait for you, I'm very patient."

What a yarn, it seems that you are only more patient with love, Xia Nuanxin complained in her heart.

Suddenly Xia Nuanxin's eyes lit up, she got up and said, "I'm full, go to bed."

Huo Tianyi also got up and followed Xia Nuanxin upstairs.

Xia Nuanxin saw someone swaggering behind her.

Went into the bathroom, took a shower in a mess, walked out, climbed directly into bed, and started to read.

Huo Tianyi started undressing directly in the bedroom, and finally revealed his excellent figure.

Xia Nuanxin secretly looked at someone's good figure that made people spurt blood, flamboyant eight-pack abs, smooth mermaid curves, and a muscular tall figure.I have to say that this abnormal figure is really good.

Huo Tianyi looked at the little woman's sneaky sizing eyes, and said with a slight twitch of the corner of his mouth, "Xin'er, you don't need to secretly look at your husband, if you want to look at it, you can look at it openly, no one will laugh at you."

"Who wants to see you, narcissism."

"All right!"

"Ah! Rogue." Xia Nuanxin covered her face all of a sudden.

Huo Tianyi laughed lowly: "Xin'er, you really didn't read it, did you?"

"I just watched it, what's the matter? It's like a white chicken, I didn't see how beautiful it is."

"White chicken? Is that right? Xin'er, that's not what you said at night." Huo Tianyi slowly walked in front of Xia Nuanxin, his handsome face leaned in front of her, and his ambiguous tone sprayed on her face, " Xin'er, you said the night before yesterday that your husband has a great figure and you really like it, why don't you dare to look at it today?"

Xia Nuanxin pushed him away vigorously, and muttered, "Don't be narcissistic, I can't help it because I'm deeply in love, I'm not really praising you."

Huo Tianyi climbed onto the bed, picked up the little girl,

Xia Nuanxin said with disgust, "You haven't taken a shower yet."

"I'll punish you when I come back. I'll take a shower first." Huo Tianyi got up and went to the bathroom.

It's over, she didn't brush her teeth just now, and there was still a strong smell in her mouth, but this pervert didn't smell it.

After taking a shower, Huo Tianyi came out wearing a bathrobe, and saw Xia Nuanxin frowning and her big eyes kept rolling.

Huo Tianyi couldn't wait to hug the little girl into his arms.

"Xin'er, you are really charming." After speaking, the hot kiss fell on Xia Nuanxin's small mouth, and the hot kiss tended to move downward.

Xia Nuanxin kept looking forward to it, hurry up and kiss my mouth!I have a strong smell in my mouth, I can't die of nausea, you pervert.

But today someone just doesn't kiss his little mouth, Xia Nuanxin waits urgently.

You can't take the initiative to kiss this pervert yourself!

"Hmm..." Xia Nuanxin couldn't help moaning, and the moment she was distracted, the man had already kissed her cheek.

If a man likes to make out with you, it must be because he likes you, or even because he loves you.

On the contrary, it must despise you.

But will this pervert love her, like her?
Love he doesn't understand, just a perverted stallion who likes her body.

Xiaozui whispered: "Huo Tianyi, don't mess around..."

"Xin'er, I like you." The man said suddenly.

Xia Nuanxin was taken aback for a moment. Is this something emotional, or does she really like herself?
PS: A new week has begun, all kinds of support tickets, all kinds of rewards, and all kinds of praises are all here, Manman does not refuse anyone!

Thank you: Yu Bingqing, Wan Mengle, Ye Mingzhu, Outsider and other cute tips.

VIP group: 618895719 Ordinary group: 275453503, little flour lovers who love me are welcome to join.

(End of this chapter)

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