Chapter 481 I Love You
"Xin'er, I like you..." The man softly called Xia Nuanxin's name, speaking touching words of love.

Xia Nuanxin was slightly taken aback, and knew that it was the man who couldn't help himself.

Here, Gu Feier and Huo Sixuan held hands, greeted Gu Tiansheng and Sun Mei and left immediately.

Gu Han felt very regretful that he couldn't say hello to Gu Fei'er because he greeted the guests there.

The two went out without getting into the car directly. The summer night is very beautiful, and the two went for a walk in the park around the lake outside the hotel comfortably.

The two held hands like an ordinary couple, flowing with happiness.

"Little uncle, you think that Huo Tianyi won't do anything to Miss Nuanxin! I'm so worried, I always feel that they are not in a relationship between superiors and subordinates, why are they a bit ambiguous!"

Huo Tianyi smiled lowly: "My little Fei'er is not stupid, she can see some things."

"You are stupid."

"Okay! I'm stupid."

Gu Fei'er twisted Huo Sixuan's big hand vigorously, and said, "Little uncle, can't you speak seriously!"

Seeing the little woman's reluctance, Huo Tianyi explained softly: "Little Fei'er, do you still remember what I talked to you that night?"

Gu Feier suddenly screamed in surprise: "Little uncle, you mean that sister Nuanxin might already be married to the guy Huo Tianyi picked up?"

"Hmm!" Gu Fei'er shook her head again and said, "It shouldn't be! Why didn't Sister Nuanxin tell me the truth!"

"It's not because Huo Tianyi is a bad person. This friend of yours is probably afraid that you will laugh at her if you find out."

Gu Fei'er disagreed and said, "Why would I think so."

"Little Fei'er, you already know about the things between me and Huo Tianyi. The grievances between us are already very deep. Even if you have a good relationship with Xia Nuanxin, the current situation cannot be changed, so I suggest You will see each other less in the future." Huo Sixuan said weakly.

"Little uncle, Miss Nuanxin is a good person. I won't give up our friendship for several years in college just because of that guy Huo Tianyi who hit up a conversation."

Huo Sixuan rubbed the top of Gu Fei'er's hair with his big hand, and said: "In principle, I will not interfere with Xiao Fei'er's making friends, but Huo Tianyi's woman, Xiao Fei'er should avoid getting in touch with her! To avoid embarrassment in the mall in the future."

Gu Fei'er was a little confused, why did they have to meet each other even though they were brothers.

Not getting along well?
"Little uncle, can't you shake hands with him and make peace?"

Huo Sixuan revealed a sad expression, and said: "If he or his parents are my father-killing enemies, do you still ask me this sentence?"

Gu Fei'er was at a loss for words.

"Little uncle, you must investigate this matter well, and don't wrong anyone."

"What kind of person is your husband? Little Fei'er should know better than anyone at his age!"

The two were still concentrating on communicating when Gu Feier's phone suddenly remembered.

Gu Fei'er picked it up and asked, "Xiao Xiao, is there something wrong at this late hour?"

Hearing Gu Fei'er's voice, Xia Xiaoxiao burst into tears.

"Fair, what should I do?"

Gu Fei'er said anxiously: "Xiao Xiao, don't worry, speak slowly.

Xia Xiaoxiao couldn't stop crying at all, and Gu Fei'er comforted softly: "Xiao Xiao, don't get overwhelmed, I'll be there right away."

"No, Fei'er, just let me fend for myself!" Xia Xiaosheng's unlovable voice came from the opposite side.

"Little uncle, let's drive to Phoenix Yaju to see what happened to Xiaoxiao!"

(End of this chapter)

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