I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 482 You Seductive Little Fairy

Chapter 482 You Seductive Little Fairy

Huo Sixuan drove Gu Fei'er to Fenghuang Yaju, knocked on the door but no one answered, Gu Fei'er directly opened the anti-theft door with his spare key.

Huo Sixuan sat in the lobby and waited knowingly, while Gu Fei'er went to the bedroom.

After entering, she found Xia Xiaoxiao sitting on the big bed in the bedroom, with her head buried in her knees, still sobbing.

"Xiao Xiao, are you okay!" Gu Fei'er called Xia Xiaoxiao softly.

Hearing Gu Fei'er's voice, Xia Xiaoxiao's sobbing voice was getting smaller and smaller, and began to cry aggrieved again.

Gu Fei'er walked over and hugged her softly and asked softly, "Xiao Xiao, what happened, did you have a quarrel with Qin Yingdi?"

"Fei'er, I can't be with Qin Yingdi anymore."

Gu Feier asked in surprise, "Why?"

"Pei Muran has already found out that Qin Mutian would come to my place every night after she fell asleep. She cut her wrist again tonight, and her spirit was greatly stimulated."

"Pei Muran?" Gu Fei'er said angrily, "What does it matter to you if she dies?"

Xia Xiaoxiao suppressed her emotions and said: "Fei'er, Pei Muran is between me and Qin Yingdi, even if we are barely together, do you think we will be happy? She is like a woman stuck in her throat. The fishbone is almost suffocating me."

"But you have to give up Qin Yingdi just because of someone else, it's not fair to him." Gu Fei'er said softly.

Xia Xiaoxiao stopped sobbing and said, "But what should I do?"

Gu Fei'er thought for a while and said, "Xiao Xiao, do you think Pei Muran is just pretending?"

"Even if she knows that she is faking, but she has already fooled Qin Mutian's eyes, she has achieved her goal." Xia Xiaoxiao said weakly.

"Xiaoxiao, if you really love Qin Mutian, you must never admit defeat. You have to cheer up and try to expose Pei Muran's true face." Gu Feier encouraged Xia Xiaoxiao, "Besides, Qin Yingdi, who is so smart, may not know Pei Muran's true colors." Muran's intention is only to suffer from the kindness with Pei Muran, and not expose it."

Gu Feier thought for a while and persuaded: "I mean, you are going to move to Minghanju, try not to distract Qin Mutian, now Qin Mutian is your man, this is a fact, Pei Muran is just a cannon fodder, Can't you find a chance to expose her when you live with her every day? Let's see how long she can pretend."

"But that woman is so smart, will I fall into the trap she set up and I won't be able to get out!" Xiao Xiao asked worriedly.

"Xiao Xiao, we are all your backing. We have seen people's hearts for a long time. I think even if Pei Muran has the means, if you live together and make out with Qin Mutian every day, the purpose is to piss her off and kill her. It's best to let her die. She rolled away."

Xia Xiaoxiao also felt that what Gu Feier said made sense, and said, "I'm moving tomorrow."

"That's right, this is our little classmate Xia who is not afraid of anything." Gu Fei'er teased and encouraged.

After sending Gu Fei'er and Huo Sixuan away, Xia Xiaoxiao also thought about it, and she was the carrier of happiness.

She has to work hard to catch it.

Gu Fei'er was already a little tired after sitting on it, and didn't say a few words along the way.

Huo Sixuan gently carried Gu Fei'er into the bedroom, then found out the pajamas, then carried Gu Fei'er who was already asleep to the bathroom and took a shower.

Huo Sixuan saw the little girl's body as white as satin.

What if his little girl is swollen?
"Little Fei'er, you seductive little fairy."

Gu Fei'er didn't hear it, she had already gone to play chess with Duke Zhou.

After Huo Sixuan took a bath for her, he carried the little girl back to the big bed, because he cared for her that too many things had happened today, and she was really tired, so he didn't bother her anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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