I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 491 The Speed ​​of Going to See Parents

Chapter 491 The Speed ​​of Going to See Parents
"I can't go, you like her, you can invite her to our house, I don't feel relieved if you go to a stranger's house by yourself." Huo Sixuan patted Gu Fei'er's forehead and said that he could not refuse.

Gu Fei'er pouted, seemingly displeased, "Goddess, how could such a tall person accept our invitation!"

"Give it a try, forget it if you don't come." Huo Sixuan hugged Gu Fei'er's slender waist from behind.

He is cautious about his little Mayfair, not even women!
"Okay! I'll give it a try."

Xia Chenman over here was holding the phone nervously, looking at the little girl who hadn't replied to the text message, feeling a little frustrated.

Wu Xiaotian said with a smile: "Xiao Man, you are just too impatient. Think about it, your current relationship is nothing more than strangers. It is not surprising that the little girl rejects you. Don't worry, there will definitely be opportunities in the future."

As soon as Wu Xiaotian finished speaking, Xia Chenman's phone 'Didi' rang twice.

Xia Chenman immediately turned on the phone excitedly.

'Goddess, I'm a girl going out alone, my little uncle doesn't trust me, so he wants to invite you and your family to my house, okay? ' Gu Fei'er said bitterly.

The little uncle is too cautious. The goddess has not had any scandals for so many years, so how could she be a bad person.

Xia Chenman gave Wu Xiaotian a look at her mobile phone messages and said, "Xiaotian, I want to meet her, you can accompany me, okay?"

Seeing Xia Chenman like this, Wu Xiaotian shook his head. He couldn't understand the flesh and blood relationship between a mother and her daughter.

But for his Xiaoman, he is willing to do anything.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

"Husband, thank you." After speaking, he hugged Wu Xiaotian's neck, his coquettishness was not inferior to that of a young man.

Gu Fei'er here looked at the phone, resting her chin and quietly waiting for the goddess' reply.

Xia Chenman immediately replied: "Little girl, when are you free?" '

Gu Fei'er over here suddenly jumped up excitedly.

"Little uncle, look at my goddess who replied, she asked me when I would be free, has she promised me?"

Huo Sixuan put his chin on Gu Fei'er's shoulder and said, "Little Fei'er, what should I do now that I'm jealous of Xia Chenman?"

Gu Fei'er turned her body sideways, kissed Huo Sixuan's handsome face and said, "That's different. I have a relationship between a man and a woman for my little uncle, and I worship her, which is different!"

"Little uncle, let's invite her to our villa around the mountain! The security there is good, and it can prevent the goddess from being secretly photographed." Gu Fei'er suggested.

"Yes, but not this weekend. It's grandma's birthday. We have to go to the old house to celebrate her birthday."

Gu Fei'er heard, "How fast are you going to meet your parents this week?"

"Hmm, I originally wanted to take grandma to our Huanshan villa area, but now I don't need it."

After all, that person already knew about Xiao Fei'er's existence, just like he already knew about Xia Nuanxin's existence.

He must not dare to act rashly.

"Then next week, little uncle." Gu Fei'er said excitedly: "I must personally prepare a lot of delicious food for the goddess."

Gu Fei'er immediately replied to Xia Chenman: "Next Saturday, goddess, are you free?" '

'Can.Send me your address! ' Xia Chenman said as she leaned into Wu Xiaotian's arms.

'Huanshan Villa Area, Building 8. '

Xia Chenman looked at the address sent by Gu Fei'er, and said to Wu Xiaotian in disbelief: "The little girl's home is actually in the Huanshan villa area. I don't think that's where my brother lives. If it belongs to him, it's impossible for him to be in City B." Haven't contacted me for so many years."

(End of this chapter)

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