I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 492 Meet for a lifetime and never part

Chapter 492
"Ask the little girl." Wu Xiaotian said rationally.

Immediately, Xia Chenman sent another message to Gu Fei'er: "Little girl, who else is there in the family? If we take the liberty to disturb you like this, it won't affect your family!" '

Gu Fei'er immediately replied: "No, there are only me and my husband, and he has already agreed to my invitation. The rest are servants at home." '

Xia Chenman paused, "Is the little girl married?"

Wu Xiaotian came over to glance at Xia Chenman's text message and said in surprise, "You're so young, you haven't graduated yet, how can you get married?"

"Yes, I still want to introduce someone reliable to her in the future! The little girl lives in such a good place, she won't marry an old man! After all, being able to afford a villa around the mountain in City B is either rich or expensive."

"Xiao Man, don't get excited, everything will be clear next Saturday."

"I hope my little Mayfair is happy, I'm so worried."

Wu Xiaotian suddenly remembered the intimacy between the little girl and the president of Group H that day, thought for a while and said, "Xiao Man, that day I found that she seemed to be having an affair with the president of Group H, but the little girl called him little uncle."

The more Xia Chenman listened, the more confused he became.

"Forget it, Xiaotian, let's ask what's going on when the time comes! I'm very confused about what you said, I really don't understand it."

Here, Gu Feier excitedly hugged Huo Sixuan and kissed her several times because she finally had a face-to-face conversation with her goddess for dinner.

"Little uncle, do you think I've had shit-shit-luck this year? First I met you who are so good, and now I have a date with my goddess. Is it because my life was too difficult in the previous years? God Also take pity on me."

Huo Sixuan hugged the little girl to his lap, hugged the little girl hard, let her look into his eyes, lowered his head and kissed the little girl's delicate red mouth, and said with some distress: "Xiao Fei'er, I'm sorry, I let you Suffering for so many years."

"It's okay, I don't feel bitter, on the contrary, I am very grateful, if it weren't for those encounters, how would I know the cruelty of the world."

"Well, it won't happen in the future, I will always be with my little Fei'er, and grow old with her." Huo Sixuan's charming eyes can gently drip water at this moment.

"Little uncle, we will never be separated for the rest of our lives. No matter what happens, you are not allowed to leave me, okay?"

"Okay, we have an agreement that we will not be separated for the rest of our lives, and we can still be together in the next life and the next life."

Gu Fei'er smiled coquettishly: "Little uncle, then you will lose money. If you are such a handsome male god, let me take possession of it by myself, and I can't get other women to experience. Isn't it a big loss?" The girl giggled after she finished speaking.

Huo Sixuan tapped Gu Fei'er's forehead vigorously and said: "Since Xiao Fei'er is so willing for me to experience other women, then well, I'd rather be obedient and obey Xiao Fei'er's orders."

Gu Fei'er's smile froze all of a sudden, and her little face darkened.

"No, you belong to me alone, and always will be. If others dare to rob you, be careful with my fists." Gu Feier said with a wave of her powder fist, declaring her sovereignty.

"Okay, since that's the case, Xiao Fei'er, you see that you've eaten and drank enough, but I'm not full, what should I do?"

Gu Fei'er broke free and said, "Little uncle, since you're not full, you still have the instant noodles I bought last time, I'll cook a bowl for you!"

Huo Sixuan: "Is the little girl really confused, or is she pretending to understand?" '

He doesn't want to eat noodles, what should he do if he only wants to eat little girls?
(End of this chapter)

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