I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 849 He Must Be a Man of Concentration

Chapter 849 He Must Be a Man of Concentration

Xia Nuanxin shook her head, feeling that she was also considered lucky, and that she got a marriage in this way, but she was actually considered happy.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying, "If you lose your horse, you will know it is not a blessing." '

Life is indeed unpredictable.

Xia Nuanxin was still distracted, and as soon as she looked up, she saw Yin Zhanyan looking at her arrogantly, and greeted her warmly: "Xia Nuanxin, congratulations on becoming colleagues in the future."

"Ha! Congratulations." Xia Nuan smiled dryly, not liking this woman.

After all, values ​​and outlook on life are different.

"However, I'm surprised. Our initial test scores are not bad, but now the interview scores are so different. You said that you have been in Huo's division of labor for a year. It is considered a year of experience, and you have not seen any progress. What?" Yin Zhanyan said with a sneer on his face.

Xia Nuanxin ignored her sarcasm, and smiled calmly: "I'm sorry, but I have no ambitions. As far as I am concerned, I don't want to be promoted or get rich, so I feel that I am being flattered." .”

After Xia Nuanxin finished speaking, she ignored Yin Zhanyan and walked directly to the new training center.

Different ambitions, do not conspire with each other.

Gu Fei'er here has been busy since school started. She gets up on time every morning, rests in the dormitory at noon, and Huo Sixuan picks her up at Huanshan Villa in the evening. "

As soon as Gu Feier and Xia Xiaoxiao sat in the lecture theater, they received a call from the crew of "Sui, Yang and Xiao", and they will officially join the crew from next Monday.This Saturday night all the crew members and investors gathered in Haotian to celebrate the opening ceremony.

"Xiao Xiao, after we enter the production team from next Monday, you can stay and fly together with your Qin Yingdi."

"But I heard that this woman, Pei Muran, has also joined our film crew. When I saw her, I felt a shock in my heart."

Gu Fei'er comforted in a low voice: "So what, your Best Actor Qin has already obtained a certificate with you, and she can still snatch it away. Besides, the man who can be snatched away is not worth your cherishing. I think your Great Best Actor Qin must be a worthy one." A man of determination."

Xia Xiaoxiao nodded vigorously and said, "Of course."

"Xiao Xiao, you said that I am pregnant now, what kind of dress should I wear on Saturday night?"

Xia Xiaoxiao glanced at Gu Fei'er's small body, and said, "Look at your exaggeration, I'm afraid that others will not know that you are pregnant, a normal dress is fine, you are only less than three months old, and there is no sign of getting fat at all." .”

"Wrong, I really gained a few catties. My uncle is like feeding piglets every day. He keeps asking people to make delicious food for me, and it doesn't taste good. I can't wear a lot of clothes. How about we go shopping and buy dresses at noon, and then have a meal outside?"

When Xia Xiaoxiao heard it, she didn't seem to have a good appetite recently, which was exactly what she wanted, and the two hit it off.

"That's right."

"That's great, Xiao Xiao, I love you so much. The maternity meal prepared by my little uncle is tasteless, I've had enough of it. This time it's just the two of us, we must have a big meal .”

"Don't love me to death, I still have to save my small body to give birth to a big fat son for my family Qin Da Yingdi."

Gu Fei'er chuckled: "After we join the crew, you will be able to have sex with your big actor every day, and you will definitely be able to follow your heart."

"With your good words, I will do it properly." Xia Xiaoxiao was extremely excited when she thought that she would soon be in the same frame with her family, Qin Dayingdi.

(End of this chapter)

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