I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 850 Spoiling His Little Wife Like Convulsions

Chapter 850 Spoiling His Little Wife Like Convulsions
Gu Fei'er said mysteriously: "Xiao Xiao, you also have the opportunity to make out with your Best Actor Qin during the day, he has his own dressing room, ha! Don't miss this opportunity!"

"May'er, you're lecherous, so I'll ignore you."

Seeing Xia Xiaoxiao blushing, Gu Fei'er was amused and burst out laughing.

After class, the two went to the lakeside of the campus for a while, and went directly to Kutian under Huo's banner.

As soon as the two of them went up to the second floor, they saw a group of young people in professional attire who seemed to be visiting the operation of various departments in the company.

A young guide followed in front of him.

"Sister Nuanxin." Gu Fei'er exclaimed in surprise.

Xia Nuanxin took a look at the leader Mu Haitian who was following, and smiled awkwardly at him: "Assistant Mutt, my two friends, I'll go say hello."

Xia Nuanxin said hello to Mu Haitian and came over directly. Mu Haitian, who was leading the new employees from various departments behind, didn't dare to say anything, after all, she was the little lady.

Does he dare to say more about his husband's business?
If you talk about it with Er Shao, you must say that he deserves it, and his wife has this special right.

It's better to smash your teeth and swallow it in your stomach.

But other people don't know about this relationship, they only know that Mu Haitian is the president's favorite, the person closest to the president.

This woman is also defiant.

"This Xia Nuanxin is too rude, isn't it, what kind of friend is so important to leave the post without authorization?" Yin Zhanyan next to him muttered softly.

"Yeah, I don't take the leader seriously when I just joined the job." The fashion designer next to me complained.

Mu Haitian roared in his heart: "I also know that the little lady did a little too much today, and she didn't give him face in front of everyone, but his husband is the big boss of the Huo Corporation, and the second young master spoils his little wife like a convulsion." .What can I do! '

"Why didn't you say anything?" Mu Haitian asked the commentator in a displeased tone.

The beautiful commentator of the public relations department was stunned for a moment, did Assistant Mutt just let this woman go?

Seeing that Xia Nuanxin was discharged from the hospital in good health, Gu Feier and Xia Xiaoxiao said happily, "Sister Nuanxin, congratulations on your pregnancy and discharge from the hospital in good health."

Xia Nuanxin whispered: "You two, keep your voice down."

"What's the matter, Sister Nuanxin? Pregnancy is a happy event, why are you still so secretive?"

Xia Nuanxin said with a grin: "This group of new employees don't know about my marriage with Huo Tianyi. I don't want them to know my identity so quickly, otherwise some jobs will be difficult to do."

"Sister Nuanxin, when you are seven or eight months old, your belly is like a ball, can you still hide it?"

"Let's talk about it, I haven't thought about it so much, I just think about it day by day." After speaking, he asked Gu Fei'er and Xia Xiaoxiao with concern: "Why do you two have time to go shopping today, is the course not tight? "

"Today's show is over. We will join the crew of "Sui, Yang and Xiao Shi" next week. The opening ceremony will be held this Saturday. Our entire crew, including investors, seem to have a reception, but I have gained a few pounds. , the dress at home is a bit thin, and I want to go out and buy one myself." Gu Feier explained to Xia Nuanxin with a smile.

"You mean Xiao's crew?"

"That's right!" Gu Fei'er and Xia Xiaoxiao nodded, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong, Miss Nuanxin?"

"I think I have to buy one too. The pervert in my family seems to be an investor too. He seemed to tell me yesterday that he would take me to a Xiao's opening reception this Saturday. I didn't listen too carefully. What did you say?" Say, should I also prepare a dress!"

PS: Three women in one drama is really like this, ha!And shopping for clothes is something every woman loves to do, and they hit it off immediately, but Miss Nuanxin, you seem to have forgotten one thing, you are still at work!Is it really okay to just leave the post without authorization?True lovers who like Manman, don’t forget to save your tickets for Manman.

(End of this chapter)

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