I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 851 What I Give You Is A Free Ticket

Chapter 851 What I Give You Is A Free Ticket
Gu Fei'er raised her head and said, "I remember, when I was casting, I met your husband, it seems that Hua Chen's An Zichuan also invested, is it true that Ai Ai is going to attend the reception as well!"

Xia Xiaoxiao said happily: "Great, we can have a big meal together again."

Xia Nuanxin and Gu Feier glanced lightly.

Xia Nuanxin: "Xiao Xiao, I'm pregnant, so I can't eat and drink with you." '

Gu Fei'er: "Xiao Xiao, I'm also pregnant, so I can't eat and drink with you." '

Xia Xiaoxiao was suddenly forced, and muttered in a low voice: "You are all pregnant, I am so anxious."

Xia Nuanxin said half-jokingly: "It would be nice if you asked Qin Da Yingdi to work harder."

"I really want to, but now he's still in city C. It's not like you can be with your husband every day, and you can have a chance to get pregnant every day."

Hearing Xia Xiaoxiao's distressed words, Gu Fei'er held back a smile and said, "Ahem! Xiaoxiao, I suggest you go to the pharmacy and sell some Nasha for your movie star Qin, to increase the frequency and durability."

"Fei'er, why have you become prettier than me now? My Best Actor Qin is in good health and has a strong physique. His durability and number of times are already very good. You guys are so annoying."

Xia Nuanxin thought of something, and said: "Here is a discount card for all the industries under the Huo Corporation, I wonder if I can help you save some money?"

Gu Fei'er and Xia Xiaoxiao shook their heads and said, "This is from your husband. I dare say this is by no means a discount card, but a free card, just like the discount card for the H Group industry that my uncle gave me." , although it is a discount card, but when the bill is swiped, it shows zero."

"I have never used this card before. I have everything at home, and I have no chance to spend it. Hearing what you said, I really want to try it. I want to see if he is as generous as Uncle Huo." .”

"Let's bet!" Xia Xiaoxiao said happily.

"What's the bet?" Xia Nuan asked happily.

Gu Fei'er responded, "A dress." Then she said proudly, "Sister Nuanxin, I'm sure you will lose."

Xia Nuanxin smiled sweetly: "I'd rather lose."

"Of course, it proves that the guy who picked you up has you on top of his heart."

Several people chose a dress each, and Xia Nuanxin walked in the front, took out her black card, and handed it to the cashier.

Seeing the black card in Xia Nuanxin's hand, the waiter was so surprised that he could stuff an egg into his mouth.

Because all discount cards under Huo's are set according to the amount of consumption.

It's available on Huo's website.

But there is only one kind of card that can be exempted, and that is Huo's president and chairman.

So there are only three cards in total. Now that the girl is holding this free card, she must be the closest person to the chairman and the president.

The waiter took the card and swiped it carefully. Gu Feier and Xia Xiaoxiao behind, including Xia Nuanxin, all looked at the amount of clothing displayed on the screen without blinking. It was zero. .

"Sister Nuanxin, you lost, and the guy who hit up the conversation really gave you a free ticket."

Xia Nuanxin generously paid for Gu Feier and Xia Xiaoxiao, but it was zero anyway, which meant nothing was spent.

Xia Nuanxin was a little shy, and said inappropriately: "He is my husband, and he should treat me well."

"Haha! That's right! It should be." Gu Fei'er and Xia Xiaoxiao said doglikely: "Today I earned a set of clothes without spending any money. Where do you think we should go for lunch?"

(End of this chapter)

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