The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1034 The beating left him with a bruised nose and a swollen face

Chapter 1034 The beating left him with a bruised nose and a swollen face
After Yan Heng finished speaking, Du Yinger in the room felt distressed when she saw him like this, and rushed over to protect the fake Yan Heng, looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Princess, you are too much, the lord has broken his leg right now, you It’s too much for you to treat him like this.”

Chu Yunxi sneered, and looked at Du Yinger with dark eyes, wondering what would happen if Du Yinger knew that this person was the fake Yan Heng?There is something interesting about this.

Chu Yunxi looked up at the man on the bed while thinking, and the man hugged his head in pain and shouted, "Yun Xi, let's go, let's make up, I feel bad seeing you, I don't want you to see such a mess me.."

In the room, Chu Yunxi cooperated with the man on the bed to act, just to prevent him from knowing that she had already found out that this man was a fake.

Otherwise, it would be to scare the snake, she was afraid that the real Yan Heng would be harmed.

"Yan Heng, do you really want to make peace with me?"

The man on the bed said in pain: "It's not that I want to make peace with you, but that I'm already disabled, and I don't deserve to have such an outstanding you, so you go, so that I will feel better, I believe someone will like you , take care of you for the rest of your life."

After the man finished speaking, Chu Yunxi beside the bed said, "Yan Heng, have you forgotten what I said when we got married?"

The man on the bed didn't dare to respond to Chu Yunxi's words, because he didn't know what Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi said when they got married.

Chu Yunxi didn't point at him to answer anything, she said coldly: "If one day you betray me, I will definitely kill you."

As soon as she finished speaking, her figure moved abruptly, and she rushed to the bed as fast as lightning. She raised her foot and punched and kicked the man on the bed, every time without being polite.

The man on the bed screamed miserably from the beating, but he didn't dare to make a move, because the real Yan Heng was a martial king of the seventh rank, if he made a move, he would be exposed as soon as he made a move.

So he can only endure.

In the room, Mu Xiu and Wei Li were dumbfounded. Was the princess driven crazy by the prince?To beat the prince so recklessly.

When Mu Xiu and Wei Li came to their senses, the man on the bed had been beaten by Chu Yunxi so much that he breathed in more and breathed out less. He was lying on the bed with a bruised nose and a swollen face, unable to move for a long time.

Mu Xiu and Wei Li hurriedly said, "Princess."

Chu Yunxi had already put her hands back and jumped out of the bed. She stood condescendingly by the bed, looked at the man on the bed and said, "Yan Heng, now we have nothing to do with each other, and I will leave Prince Yan's mansion immediately. Be well."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, he walked out, and Mu Xiu and Wei Li were stunned again behind him.

The princess really left, didn't she firmly say no to leave before?Now give the prince a call and leave.

Mu Xiu and Wei Li ignored the people on the bed and followed Chu Yunxi out.

Seeing Chu Yunxi leaving with a group of people, Mu Xiu and Wei Li cried out sadly.

"Princess, do you really want to go?"

Chu Yunxi turned her head to look at Mu Xiu, Wei Li, and Fu Sheng, she could see the sadness and grief in their eyes.

Chu Yunxi really wanted to tell them that the man in the room was not their master at all.

But she wasn't sure that the three guys wouldn't reveal their flaws, so she didn't say anything.

"Take care, I don't stay here, I have a place to stay, I'm leaving."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and took the people away. As soon as the group left the courtyard, they saw Zhao Zhao coming over with Xiaodouzi, Jin Yuanbao and others outside Xinran courtyard.

"elder sister."

(End of this chapter)

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