Chapter 1035 Sending You Two Beauties

Chu Yunxi stretched out his hand to hold Zhao Zhao's hand, and the group walked out all the way. The servants of the palace behind them were all discussing in low voices. Most of them were worried that if the princess left, the prince would not get angry and hurt others again. There are also a small group of people who are sad, the princess is so good, why did the prince reconcile with the princess.

The situation here was soon reported to Xicang Pavilion where the old princess lived.

The old concubine was in a daze for a long time unable to react, and finally she looked at Jiang Mama with a bitter face and said: "What kind of evil did this do, a good couple has become like this, God is really kind to us mean."

Chu Yunxi, Zhao Zhao and others got into the carriage of the palace and left in the carriage.

When passing through the streets of the capital, I heard many people talking about it.

"Do you think Princess Yan will make a fuss this time?"

"I'm sure, I'm afraid something will happen again, hey, the princess is really, just accept it, isn't it just a concubine? It's not a big deal."

"But if the concubine agrees, it will be a slap in the face. Concubine Yan is a very proud person. I'm afraid there will be a lot of fun in the future."

When someone was speaking, they saw a carriage driving in the street, and couldn't help but stop talking, pointing at the carriage passing by.

"Isn't that the carriage of Princess Yan?"

"Yeah, where is she going? How can I see that she is heading towards the city gate?"

"Could it be that the princess returned to Xianyu Peak in a fit of anger?"

"real or fake."

Many people subconsciously followed the carriage of King Yan's Mansion all the way to the city gate, and finally gathered more and more, until Chu Yunxi's carriage was sent out of the city gate before stopping.

But at this time, everyone was basically sure that Princess Yan had really left the capital and returned to Xianyu Peak.

So are they reconciled?
Chu Yunxi didn't pay attention to the people behind the carriage, she was thinking about an important matter right now.

The person who plotted against her behind the scenes and wholeheartedly wanted to drive her out of Yan Wang's mansion might have been secretly eyeing her at this moment, so how would she get rid of the person who was secretly watching her and head all the way to Cangwu Peak.

In the place where the queen in the palace lived, Yu Wenmo was looking at Fang Zhishu with excited eyes.

"Chu Yunxi has finally left Prince Yan's mansion. This time we must get rid of her. If we can get rid of her smoothly, even if Yan Heng comes out of the dry wind, there is no way to bring her back to life. On the contrary, because With Chu Yunxi's death, Yan Heng will definitely be severely injured, and we can definitely get rid of him."

Yu Wenmo thought of such a scene, the more he thought about it, the happier he became, and he walked back and forth in the hall excitedly.

Fang Zhishu on the side of the main hall was not as excited as Yu Wenmo, she reminded lightly: "Your Majesty, don't be too happy, that woman Chu Yunxi is very smart, we may not be able to kill her."

Yu Wenmo turned to look at Fang Zhishu and said, "Even if she is smart, so what, I think no matter how smart she is, she can't be as smart as my queen, don't you?"

Fang Zhishu chuckled and said, "Your Majesty, you must remember what he has done to you. In this way, in order to get rid of Chu Yunxi, I will go out of the palace in person."

"Okay, Queen, be careful."

Yu Wenmo exhorted with concern.

Fang Zhishu stood up in satisfaction and stood in front of Yu Wenmo. She stretched out her hand and pulled Yu Wenmo's neck, kissed Yu Wenmo hard and said.

"Wait for the good news from Bengong, and remember that I will reward Bengong when I come back."

Yu Wenmo immediately understood the meaning of Fang Zhishu's words, and said with a smile: "Okay, when you come back, I will send you two beauties."

"It's a word."

(End of this chapter)

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