The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1036 This chain meter is really powerful

Chapter 1036 This chain meter is really powerful
Fang Zhishu agreed with a smile, turned around and arranged for the people to be taken out of the palace.

Behind him, Yu Wenmo felt more and more relieved, the queen came out, and Chu Yunxi should not be able to hide.

He just waited to hear the good news.

Because Chu Yunxi knew that someone was watching their group in the dark, she did not take Zhao Zhao and others all the way west to the border between Dongchen and Xixue, but went straight to the direction of Xianyu Peak.

If she took people directly to the border between Dongchen and Xixue, those who watched them in the dark must know that she found out that Yan Heng in Yanwang's mansion was fake, and they would be alarmed.

So Chu Yunxi planned to find some time on the way back to Xianyu Peak to get rid of the people who followed in the dark, and then head west all the way to Cangwu Peak to find Yan Heng.

It's just that the people in the dark stared at them very closely. Chu Yunxi tried to shake them off two or three times, and she couldn't make it too obvious. If it was too obvious, the people in the dark would know that she It is known that someone is staring at her in the dark, so it is likely to speed up the determination of the follower in the dark to do something.

Right now they are in the open, those people are in the dark, these followers, how powerful they are, and how many people there are, these are all unknown, so we must be careful.

Right now, Chu Yunxi has four masters at the Martial King Realm. She is a Tier [-] Martial King, and Zhao Zhao is now a Tier [-] Martial King because she practiced again at Baifeng Academy.

Long Yuan and another subordinate in the dark, one with a third-level skill and one with a first-level skill.

In fact, their line of work is a powerful combination, and they shouldn't be afraid of anyone.

It's just that Chu Yunxi didn't know the details of stalking people in the dark, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

That night, a group of them stayed overnight in an inn.

Chu Yunxi decided that this night, no matter what, he must find a way to get rid of the people who were following him in the dark.

Now she just wants to rush to Cangwu Peak as soon as possible, wondering how Yan Heng is doing now?The more she thought about it, the more worried she became, and she just wanted to see him as soon as possible.

So tonight, no matter what, I have to find a way to get out.

The room where Chu Yunxi lived in the inn was full of people, all looking at her.

Along the way, although Chu Yunxi didn't say anything, Long Yuan and another subordinate named Ji Yuan already sensed that there was a wave of Yuan Force behind them and followed them as if nothing.

"Princess, is someone following us in the dark?"

After Long Yuan finished speaking, Cai Zhu and Qing Yan Qing Wu all looked at Long Yuan worriedly.

The master said that he had made peace with the prince, why did Long Yuan still call the master the princess, wouldn't the master be angry?
Chu Yunxi was not angry, she glanced at the people in the room and said, "That's right, there are people following us in the dark, do you know why they followed us?"

It was Long Yuan who spoke again: "That man wants to kill the concubine."

Chu Yunxi nodded, and for the first time talked to the people beside him about the person in Yanwang's mansion.

"The man with the broken leg in Prince Yan's mansion is not the prince, he is a fake. This is a game set up by the people behind it."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, many people in the room exclaimed, and Zhao Zhao asked anxiously, "Sister, what about brother-in-law?"

Chu Yunxi pondered for a while and said: "Your brother-in-law is probably still at Cangwu Peak right now, he may be trapped by the enemy's large formation and cannot escape, and the people behind him use a fake Yan Heng to deal with me, with the intention of Throw me out of Prince Yan's mansion, and then get rid of me, you know, the prince has always valued me, if I die, the prince will be sad, if this is the case, the enemy will have something to take advantage of."

"The serial tricks played by the people behind this are very powerful. Fortunately, I saw through their tricks, so I made a fuss in the palace and left earlier. However, someone followed us in the dark, and it was obvious that they wanted to kill me, so we Proceed with caution."

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(End of this chapter)

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