Chapter 1041

Chu Yunxi thought about it and told Long Yuan, "Use Yuanli to form a barrier, and I will use the medicinal materials in the space to simply refine a pill for breaking the soul, although it can't completely break the soul. Dan, but at least it will keep me going until I find the antidote."

After hearing this, Long Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and Yun Yuanli built a barrier.

Chu Yunxi began to check the medicinal materials in the Taoling space, and then used these medicinal materials to build a detoxification pill.

As soon as Chu Yunxi refined the detoxification pill, she felt something was wrong with the air. She raised her head and looked up, and saw that the barrier formed by Longyuan earlier started to drip, and the barrier became thinner little by little. Finally disappeared.

Both Long Yuan and Chu Yunzhao were shocked, and Chu Yunxi's expression also changed. He quickly took the detoxification pill of Jieduan Pill, and ordered Long Yuan and Chu Yunzhao to say: "Quick, this is a corrosive poison. Lend me your Yuanli, and I will take you out."

Long Yuan and Chu Yunzhao's expressions changed. Chu Yunxi had borrowed their Yuanli before, and her internal organs and six lungs were all seriously injured. Now her internal injuries have not recovered, and if she borrowed their Yuanli again, one of them might be killed. Will explode and die.

The real purpose of her doing this was to send the two of them out. No matter how Long Yuan and Chu Yunzhao agreed, they refused at the same time.


"Sister, you have to die together."

At this time, Chu Yunxi didn't care much about it. Hearing what Chu Yunzhao said, he glared at the tyrannical order and said, "This is an order. Lend me your Yuanli quickly. We still have a chance to rush out. If we stay Here, all three are dead."

Long Yuan and Chu Yunzhao knew this truth, so they raised their hands without thinking too much.

Chu Yunxi immediately raised her hand to borrow Long Yuan and Chu Yunzhao's tyrannical energy. This time, she only felt that her blood was flowing backwards, and her five internal organs and six lungs seemed to be in unbearable pain like being pricked by needles, but at this time she couldn't care less He thought, even if he really exploded and died, he still had to send Longyuan and Zhaozhao out.

The energy of the three people merged together, and the tyrannical power was as powerful and tyrannical as a huge wave, Chu Yunxi cried out.

The three of them rushed out of the barrier as if they were on a roller coaster.

At a distance of a thousand meters outside the barrier, someone actually used the technique of fire attack, and the flames burning in all directions contained powerful, highly corrosive and highly poisonous. Destroyed by this poison.

It's just that although these highly poisonous poisons are very powerful, the fused energy of Chu Yunxi and the three of them is too tyrannical, so the highly corrosive poison did not hurt them for a while.

Chu Yunxi only felt that the meridians in his body were bursting out a little bit by the powerful force.

But she was worried that Long Yuan and Chu Yunzhao would inhale the poisonous smoke, so she ordered in a deep voice: "Hold your breath, don't inhale the smoke."

After she finished speaking, her figure shot out like a rocket.

A group of three people quickly penetrated the place surrounded by flames. Long Yuan saw the meridians in Chu Yunxi's hand protruding out. If he didn't stop, the princess would explode and die.

Long Yuan looked at Chu Yunzhao and shouted steeply: "Withdraw."

The two of them withdrew their hands abruptly. Due to the sudden withdrawal of Yuan power, Chu Yunxi became unstable for a moment and fell from mid-air. At the same time, because the strength in her body was too tyrannical before, when she withdrew her hand at this time, the blood in her body couldn't calm down for a while, and it surged Pentium, rushed straight to her mouth and nose.

A lot of blood burst out of her mouth, nose, and even ears in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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