Chapter 1042

Chu Yunxi couldn't bear the impact of his blood anymore, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

Long Yuan stretched out his arms to hug her, Chu Yunzhao saw his sister turned into a bloody person, and burst into tears.

"Sister, what's wrong with you, sister?"

Looking at Chu Yunxi like this, Long Yuan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Just at this time, several figures surrounded him, and these people got closer and closer, and soon, the leader gave an order.

"Come on, kill three of them and leave one alone."

If someone dodges, he will shoot quickly.

Long Yuan turned his head to look at Chu Yunzhao and exhorted: "Be careful."

As soon as he said that, he raised his hand and wanted to use his strength to fight with the opponent, but it was really inconvenient to hold Chu Yunxi in his hand.

But he couldn't put Chu Yunxi on the ground. If he put it on the ground, he might be killed by the enemy.

Looking at the dozens of people opposite, Long Yuan was both angry and startled, these people are indeed too powerful, one ring after another.

The concubine lost to these people. It seems that there is a very shrewd person behind these people.

Long Yuan wanted to make a move while thinking, but he didn't have time to make a move.

Under the dark night, several figures shot over like ghosts, the leader was dressed in white and had long hair fluttering.

As soon as he came over, he yelled coldly: "Kill them for me, and leave no one behind."

The subordinates behind him responded, dodged and went straight to the men in black.

In the blink of an eye, there was a rumbling sound of killing in the forest.

The leader of the people in white has already shot in front of Long Yuan. When he saw Chu Yunxi who was almost a blood man in Long Yuan's arms, his eyes were full of anger.

When Chu Yunzhao saw him, he yelled as if seeing hope: "Brother Yelu, hurry up and save my sister, she is going to die."

As soon as Yeluxie stretched out his hand, he wanted to hug Chu Yunxi in Longyuan's hand. Longyuan made a sideways hand, not wanting Yeluxie to take over.

He didn't forget that this person has been thinking about his own princess, Yeluxie stared at Long Yuan angrily and said, "Do you want to kill her? Her internal organs and lungs are bleeding, and she was poisoned."

Long Yuan was stunned and hurriedly handed him over to Yeluxie. Although the prince Yeluxie was not a very good person, he was very skilled in medicine. The princess could only be saved by him now.

After Yeluxie took over Chu Yunxi, he immediately put Chu Yunxi on the ground and began to examine her.

Because of Yeluxie's appearance, the scene changed, and Long Yuan and Chu Yunzhao were relieved. They were as angry as leopards, and rushed to the man in black, attacking each other frantically.

In the blink of an eye, several people were injured on the other side. Seeing that he was invincible, the man in black hurriedly waved his hand and ordered his men to withdraw.

Although they can use poison, they have used poison twice in a row before.

This kind of poison not only consumes medicinal materials, but also is very difficult to control, even they don't use it whenever they want.

A group of men in black quickly retreated, but in the end, many people were killed and injured, and some of them were caught, but those who were caught bit their fangs before Yeluxie's subordinates could speak. committed suicide.

In the end, only a few people escaped from the men in black, and the casualties were heavy this time.

In the quiet dense forest, the escaped men in black went straight to somewhere.

"Miss, someone rescued Princess Yan, and my subordinates missed it."

The boy in black clasped his fists to plead guilty. On the opposite side, the woman in black waved her hands with a sweet smile and said, "Okay, let her escape this time, and do it next time. Han Yu, are you not injured?"

(End of this chapter)

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