Chapter 106
Sitting next to Yan Xueying was another young lady from Yanling Palace, as well as Yanling Wang Yanheng's side concubine and concubine.

The reason why these people appear is naturally to watch a good show.

Women who are also princes are happy to see the concubine being unlucky.

Chu Yunxi stood in the middle of the room, looking coldly at the people watching the show. To be honest, she didn't want to stay in such a place for a moment, but right now her Yuanli has not been cultivated, so she can only suffer.

But in the next time, she must go all out to cultivate her own strength and make herself stronger.

Chu Yunxi took a deep breath and looked at the old princess above. Seeing her calm expression, the old princess couldn't help but said angrily, "Chu Yunxi, you said you didn't push Qin'er into the lotus pond. Is there anyone to prove it?"

Chu Yunxi turned her head dimly to look at the two maids standing at the door of the room behind her, Hong Chang and Bi Chang.

But when she looked at the two servant girls, the two servant girls looked away, not daring to look into her eyes.

Chu Yunxi laughed lightly. Fortunately, she didn't care about those two maids, otherwise she would be sad.

Chu Yunxi thought about it and shook his head calmly, "No."

"You have no way to prove that you didn't push Qin'er into the water, so you should be humble to Qin'er and admit that you did something wrong. Because of Qin'er's kindness, she will not care about what you have done."

After the old concubine finished speaking, Yan Xueying, who was sitting next to her head, said sneeringly: "My cousin is right, you are not good enough for my brother, and you pushed him into the lotus pond in anger, you are really shameless." gone."

After she finished speaking, Chu Yunxi turned around and looked over, her pupils were sharp and cold, like sharp swords, Yan Xueying was taken aback, and for a moment she forgot to ridicule Chu Yunxi.

Chu Yunxi turned to look at the old concubine at the top, and said proudly: "I said I didn't push her into the lotus pond. Since I didn't push her into the lotus pond, there is no need for Daoqian."

As soon as Chu Yunxi finished speaking, she suddenly felt a cold and sinister gaze directed at her from the direction of the inner room. He realized that Yanling Wang Yanheng might also be on the scene, and he was in the inner room right now.

The corner of Chu Yunxi's lips curled into a sneering sneer, the prince probably suspected that she pushed her into the lotus pond, that's why he looked at her so coldly.

Chu Yunxi was speechless, this Yanling Prince's Mansion was really similar to Longtan and Tiger's Den, everyone didn't believe her, they all doubted her.

But if there is a little bit of right and wrong, she suspects that it is her fault, so she has to leave this place as soon as possible.

Chu Yunxi thought about looking up at Liu Ruqin beside the old concubine: "Miss Liu, you said I pushed you into the lotus pond, but what I want to say is that you deliberately planted it in the lotus pond by yourself."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Liu Ruqin's pupils shrank, and she couldn't help feeling guilty, but her face was full of grievances.

"Cousin, what are you talking about?"

Liu Ruqin's grievance made Lin Qiucheng beside her angry. He looked at Chu Yunxi coldly and said, "Wangfei really makes people speechless. Whoever planted herself in the lotus pond properly, what's the point of her doing this?" ?”

"She's trying to frame me."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, everyone in the hall was stunned for a moment. Liu Ruqin said sadly: "Cousin, I have nothing to do to frame you. No one likes you in this big palace. Even my cousin doesn't like you, what do you mean by saying I'm dirty?"

(End of this chapter)

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